Our journey through the make a difference challenge 2018
First of all we were told about the Young Citizens Make a Difference Challenge 2018 by the p.7 teacher Mrs Morrow and the acting principle Mrs Sloan. Then we had a task for homework, it was to make a speech each and present to all of the P.6’s and the P.7’s. We all decided on Litter, dog fouling and potholes. In the afternoons we all worked very hard and made big decisions about what our cause was going to be!
We all voted and at the end most people voted for litter. We went down to the village green and decided how we could clean it up. Next in school we asked people to donate money or help in any what they could.
To raise money we held a bun sale and everyone brought in buns. We got a massive total of £142.27
Then on Friday 15th of June we started to actually make a difference . When got down to the village green we where pleased that the grass was already cut by the Council!
We started of by putting the st . tyres that were donated by E.D Tyres into to place and filled them with compost and planted loads of brightly coloured flowers. Then in the centre of the area we put down lots of compost and stuck a bird house in the centre so that the birds have somewhere to re
Next we bought some sheep decorations to symbolise Atticall. We also put in a plant to attract bees to make it a bee friendly garden , we also got the horrible and dangerous benches fixed . We have and will keep trying to maintain the garden the way it is by watering the plants and making sure everything is clean and tidy.
We had a great success and thankyou for everyone for volunteering including Norlect Engineering, Total Electric LTD, The Mourne Lodge, Moyfab, Eddie Doran and Ann Doran , Sean Sloan ,John Cunningham and Mark Maginn who lifted the tyres and got the compost. We couldn’t of done it without all of you!