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Safeguarding and Child Protection

The Safeguarding and Child Protection Team



If any child in school has a concern they know they can speak to any member of the safeguarding team at any time. Any concerns shared with other staff members are brought to the attention of the Safeguarding Team. The wellbeing of our pupils is of utmost importance to all our staff.


The Safeguarding and Child Protection policy is available on the Website and a hard copy can be requested from the School Office. Hard copies are issued to the parents every two years or on admission to the school.


          Designated Teacher:            

Mrs J Norris


Deputy Designated Teacher:     

Mrs L McComiskey



Mrs C Sloan


             Governor for Safeguarding and Child Protection               

Mr Brian Cunningham 


                         Chair of the Board of Governors                          

Mr P. Quinn

Safer Schools App 

Please download the Safer Schools app for regular information and guidance to help keep our children safe. 


Dear Parents,


We, the staff of Holy Cross Primary School, are committed to ensuring that 'Safeguarding children' at our school is given the highest priority and permeates all aspects of school life.


We endeavour to be meticulous and systematic in our implementation of policies and routines. Safeguarding our pupils involves every member of the school community and we ensure the awareness of safeguarding issues and concerns remain a key focus throughout the year for governors, staff, parents and pupils.


Robust systems of record keeping and reviews of all linked policies and procedures are in place to ensure that all appropriate steps are taken to promote children's safety.


As with all aspects of school life, we appreciate and seek the valuable input derived from strong partnerships with our parents and external agencies including; The Child Protection Service, CCMS, NSPCC and the PSNI.


It is only through these proactive measures that we ensure we are in a position to achieve the highest standards of best practice.


Yours sincerely

Mrs. C. Sloan (April 2018)

