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P2 Miss Cunningham

Welcome to Primary 2! 

Check out our page each week to see the wonderful things happening in our class!

FUN DAY 2021

Today we had a fantastic fun day. There were awards, games, bubbles, balloons, water activities, music and tasty food. We really enjoyed getting to have fun with our friends today. 

Dinosaur fun


We had lots of dinosaur fun this week in school. Have a look to see what we have been up to! 

Sports Day

This was Primary 2's first sports day and we had an amazing day. 

We all came running into school this morning so excited for our day of sports. We read a story about sports day and did some exercises in the classroom to get warmed up. After that, we went outside and got to watch all the different sports events. We got to take part in them too. There was the running race, marathon, potato and spoon, sack race, bean bag race and three legged race. We got some juice and biscuits at snack time to cool down and prepare for the rest of the races. 

Everyone in our class had dinners today. We all got some yummy chips and nuggets and afterwards we got some ice-cream. It was so fun being able to eat in the sun.  

Well done to everyone in Primary 2! You all did fantastic today. Well done! 


Click on this link to watch a video of us having fun on sports day. 

Dazzling Dinosaurs


Today we started our new topic called ‘Dazzling Dinosaurs’. We watched a video made by a real palaeontologist and discovered that dinosaurs are a special group of prehistoric animals that have their legs tucked under their bodies.

After this we pretended to be dinosaurs and tried to walk like a dinosaur with our arms tucked in.


Watch this video if you want to learn about dinosaurs too.   

Daily Mile Challenge.

Today primary 2 boys and girls took part in the nationwide Daily Mile as part of the Daily mile’s initiative to promote getting active and looking after your physical and mental wellbeing! 

Before we got started, we discussed all the different reasons why exercise is important. We then discussed why we like completing the Daily Mile and we created some signs to wear during this extra fun event. Well done to everyone for taking part today.



This week we have had great fun using the Beebots to help us learn about direction. We had to use our knowledge of left and right to help us tell the Beebot where to go so he could find the correct objects. We moved the Beebot around the mat to find different toys and we also played a Beebot game on the tablets. We had fantastic fun. 

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICECREAM. 

This week we have been learning about the ‘I’ sound. It can be spelt igh and y. We listened to a story to help us remember the igh spelling.

Watch this video to hear the story we learnt. 


Afterwards, Joanne pretended to be Mr I, we took turns pretending to be Golden Girl and Miss Cunningham pretended to be Harry Hat Man. If we were super quiet for Harry Hat Man, Mr I give us some Ice Cream. This was super yummy and helped us remember the new sound.

Pirate Treasure 

This week we have been learning about directions. We have been practising using left, right, up and down to help us navigate our way round maps. A pirate appeared in our classroom and left us some treasure. We had to use what we knew about directions to help us move around the map successfully and avoid the sharks. When we got to the treasure, we got to open it up to see all the jewels and diamonds.

Month of May

In Primary 2 we have made a lovely May altar. We worked really hard to decorate some flowers for our lovely tree. Thank you to everyone who sent in things to make our May altar so special. 

Cheeky Clown 

This week we had a cheeky clown in school to teach us about the th sound. She told us that she likes the th sound because when you say it your tongue sticks out. This sound is in lots of words we know like this, that, then, there, them and with. 

Wet Potatoes

This week Primary 2 have been learning more about capacity. We experimented with potatoes to see how many potatoes it would take to displace the water in the tub and make it overflow. We tried large potatoes, medium potatoes and small potatoes. We predicted what might happen and then we tested it to see if we were right. We discovered that it takes fewer potatoes if they are large because the large potatoes take up lots of space. The small potatoes only take up a small bit of space so we need lots of small potatoes to make the water overflow. 

Planting Fun


Today Primary 2 got a chance to get involved in some planting. We worked together as a team to plant lots of plants around the school. We carefully picked the plants we wanted to plant to make sure that they were plants that would help encourage lots of mini-beasts. We planted some Lavender and some Butterfly Bushes too. We even planted some wild flower seeds, tomatoes and strawberries too. We have lots of work to do over the next couple of weeks to make sure all these plants stay watered in the hot sun. 

Underwater Fun in the Sun!

Today we got a chance to get outside to play in the sun. We used the large outdoor blocks to build a submarine. We worked in groups to put the blocks into the correct places. We added engines, windows and even a periscope. We had great fun! 

Water, water everywhere

In Primary 2 we have been working hard to learn about capacity. We discovered capacity is the amount of liquid a container can hold. We did lots of things to explore capacity. We ordered containers of different capacities from smallest to largest, we measured the capacity of different objects and we even played some capacity games on the interactive whiteboard. 

Nature Walk

This week primary 2 went on a nature walk. The boys and girls wanted to discover what sort of plants, minibeasts and birds are around the school. We spotted a blackbird, crow and robin. We found daffodils, daisies and buttercups. We discovered worms, bees and spiders. 

Hedgehog Café

Today we worked as a class too make a Hedgehog Café to support biodiversity around the school. We used some bricks and a slab to make a hut to keep the hedgehog nice and warm. We then added some leave on the inside for bedding to make it nice and cosy for the hedgehogs and finally we added some vegetation for food. We really enjoyed creating this and hope that we might see some hedgehogs soon. 

Number Fun

This week in Numeracy we have been playing lots of games to help us practise recognising numbers instantly,  mental addition and subtraction. We had some fantastic fun. We spent 10 minutes playing each game and then we moved to a new game. We played lots of games in such a short time. 

Under the Sea 

As part of our topic Under the Sea we have been playing lots of games to help us learn about things under the sea. Have a look at the pictures to see what fun things we have been getting up to. 

Easter Fun

We had lots of fun getting read for Easter. We learnt about what happened Jesus during Holy Week. We made some Easter Bunnies, played Easter games, designed some Easter eggs, had an Easter egg hunt and got some Easter Treats too.