Home Page

P5 & P6 Mrs Woods

Primary 5 & 6

Welcome to our class page.  We will update our page regularly and show you all the wonderful things we get up to this year smiley

This week in Literacy we have been looking at how to write a summary. We learned that a summary is restating the main points of a story, using your own words in a few short sentences. In Numeracy we have been looking at coordinates on the first quadrant. We enjoyed an interactive activity by making a coordinated grid on the floor of our classroom. Mrs Woods placed objects on the grid and the children had to find and write the correct coordinates for each. Some children placed the objects on the grid and the class then had to find the coordinates. We then completed this task with some tabletop work. We really enjoyed this activity. Mrs Ryan has been teaching us our names in Irish this week, we have also been learning 'Hail glorious St Patrick'

Please click link below to watch the P5/6 Irish Assembly which took place on Monday 3rd February 2025

Today the P5 children lead our Grandparents day mass. They all played their parts beautifully. Our children enjoyed having their grandparents join them in their classes to see some of their wonderful work. We then had fun making St Brigids crosses. Some are going home to the fields to pick some rushes to make some at home. Good Luck!!

Firstly, Happy New Year!! We have had a very busy and productive few weeks in P5/6. On our return we thought about our goals and what we would like to achieve this year. In Literacy we are looking at the relationship between fiction/non-fiction and explanation text. In Numeracy we are learning about angles - names and definitions. Mrs Ryan returned this week and we have been learning about Irish cities and how to pronounce them in Irish. We have introduced our new topic this term, 'Around the World'. I'm sure you will agree our display board is looking beautiful so far!

Today we enjoyed Garage Band with Gemma.

P5,6 & 7 led the Carol Service last night. All children performed their part beautifully. Thank you to all the children who as always make us so proud.

Irish with Mrs Ryan

We had a visitor in our class this week!!! Sprout came to visit and most certainly helped us get into the festive spirit!

Garage Band with Gemma

Our P5/6 class used knowledge from their school trip last week and collected resources from home. Im sure you will agree, they have recreated a colourful and informative display board based around this terms W.A.U. topic 'The Titanic'. They have done a fabulous job!!

Our Titanic Trip 22 November 2024

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In WAU we are learning all about 'The Titanic'. We are so excited to be visiting Titanic in Belfast tomorrow.

Some of our P5 and P6 boys are getting in the Christmas spirit

Literacy: Making Connections

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Some of the girls are getting excited about our trip to Titanic on Friday, so much so they built a replica of the ship during their lunch time

Maidin Mhaith, Today we celebrate Irish day by wearing green. We will be using our Irish phrases throughout the day :-)

ANTI BULLYING WEEK 2024 Today we joined together to show that it's okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination by wearing odd socks..

Wooly Hat day for Mourne Stimulus 2024

In Numeracy this week our focus has been on reading and writing digital clock in 5 minute intervals, We enjoyed interactive learning. In literacy we have been looking at the words "are and our" and how they play different roles. We have been working hard learning "compound words" and had fun finding out that two separate words when merged together, make a new word. On Friday morning P5-6 led our annual harvest mass .As part of math week KS2 were set a task of making a math game at home for our KS1 children. Our younger children enjoyed playing these games with us on Friday afternoon. We all had so much fun.

In literacy this week we were learning about imperative verbs and compound words, the children really enjoyed literacy this week. In numeracy this week we were rounding up to the nearest 10s, 100s, 1000s, and 10,000s, also the children moved on to the 7 times tables and next we week will start the 8 times tables. Mrs Ryan was back again this week for Irish the children learned about time and foods. They really enjoyed playing bingo and snap, they had a lot of fun. There was excitement in class this week as the children got to vote for the P7 school council. Votes will counted and verified on Monday.

In numeracy this week we worked very hard at multiplying and dividing using the column and bus stop methods. This week our focus was on our 6 times tables. We played lots of fun games while doing so. Next week we will focus on our 7 times tables. In literacy we learned about writing procedural text, using step by step instructions. In the coming weeks we will enjoy doing a practical activity using these instructions. We are now into the month of October, the month of The Holy Rosary. We have been learning about the rosary in grow in love. On Wednesday the children enjoyed bingo time with Mrs Ryan.

In numeracy this week we worked hard on column addition using 3 and 4 digit numbers and understanding the importance of laying out our columns. In literacy we continued on with recount by introducing texts that had been written in (first, second and third) person. We had to choose the correct answer. We also finished our recount essays. Mrs Ryan will be in our school this term teaching us Irish. We enjoyed our first class playing a game of bingo.

In literacy this week we continued with our recount writing learning about past, present and future the children all understood the actions of now, after and later they worked together in pairs. In numeracy this week we did our place value up to 7 digit numbers and also a task of finding the hidden shapes. On Friday we did our sponsored walk in aid of Mourne First Responders in Mourne Park the children had a brilliant time and the weather was beautiful.

P5/6 Art Boards

In numeracy this week we have been learning about Place Value and ordering numbers. We enjoyed working together sorting numbers in ascending and descending order.
