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Language and Literacy

Lesson observation

We made St. Patrick's Day cards and practised formatting correctly. We now know where to write our messages and learned the High Frequency Words "to" and "from"

During lunchtime, the giant from Jack and the beanstalk visited our classroom. He left some of his clothes for us to try on. We thought they were Master Dinsmore's or Eamonn's but they we're much too big! The giant even left us a letter, asking for our help to find all his belongs stolen by Jack.

Visualising: we decided what we would paint if we had "The Magic Paintbrush" and explained how it would help others

World Book Day 2017 :)

Practising our phonics on the interactive game "buried treasure"

We worked with the P2 children to create a story mountain on our focus text "The Magic Paintbrush"
