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Modelled reading

Modelled Reading

Reading to children should be seen as an essential activity, providing a starting point for developing the thinking child.

In the classroom we provide a range of contexts in which to model the importance and enjoyment of reading, for example, reading stories and rhymes, notes and instructions, information texts and children’s writing.

‘Modelled Reading’ is a recognised strategy which allows the teacher to explicitly demonstrate the process of reading by ‘thinking aloud’ about the strategies that are being used to decode words, comprehend meaning and read with fluency and expression.

Children participate by listening and observing the expert at work, rather than by contributing suggestions and pursuing points through discussion.

The teacher talks through the process step-by-step to show the learner how things are done, for example, making, confirming or changing predictions, re-reading if meaning is unclear or using context to work out a difficult word. 


Features of Modelled Reading

  • Each session has a planned focus.

  • An enlarged text should be clearly visible to all pupils.

  • A selected range of relevant and motivating fiction and non-fiction texts should be used.

  • Texts should be within the children’s comprehension level.

  • Illustrated texts should support and enhance meaning.

  • Sessions should be short and enjoyable. 
