Modelled Writing
In the classroom children will see others write for a variety of purposes, for example, notes, cards, labels and instructions. Through such experiences children will come to realise the importance of writing and the pleasure that can be gained from it.
‘Modelled Writing’ is a specific strategy which allows the teacher to explicitly demonstrate the process of writing by ‘thinking aloud’ as she records her thoughts, for example, planning what she intends to write, talking about directionality, choice of words or how to spell or locate words.
Children participate by listening and observing the expert at work, rather than by contributing ideas and pursuing points through discussion.
The teacher talks through the process step-by-step to show the learner how things are done. Children see that writing is an interactive process and are reassured that writers make mistakes.
Features of Modelled Writing
Each session has a planned focus.
Pupils should be seated so that they can clearly see the teacher writing.
The teacher should demonstrate writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Both compositional and secretarial aspects should be addressed.
Teachers should model:
planning before writing;
making decisions about content as she writes,for example,choosing appropriate language; ensuring grammatical agreement;
re-reading to check for sense or make improvements;
how to present ideas or information;
how to spell or locate individual words;
leaving spaces and taking new lines;
demarcating sentences;
forming letters correctly.
Sessions should be short and enjoyable.