Students and staff are celebrating after the results of their recent eti follow up inspection, in which the school received a very favourable report.
Inspectors from ETI have praised teaching, leadership and pupil achievement at Holy Cross Primary School. Findings include;
The outcomes for learners are good; the children express their views confidently and articulately.
The quality of provision is good. There is a shared understanding of effective learning and teaching to take account of the children’s interests, needs and abilities. Almost all the lessons observed were good or better, with a majority being very good.
The quality and effectiveness of leadership, management and action to promote improvement are now good. The acting principal has developed a strategic, distributive approach to leadership which supports capacity building and succession planning within an embedded culture of self-evaluation within in the school.
The children reported to the inspectors that they feel safe and secure in the school and know what to do if they have any concerns about their well-being.
The report states the overall effectiveness of the school as;
Holy Cross Primary School demonstrates the capacity to identify and bring about improvement in the interest of all the learners.
Patrick Quinn, chairman of the governors, said: "We are obviously very pleased with the report which reflects the excellent work that is on-going at Holy Cross.
"Mrs Sloan and all the staff and pupils can take great pride in this inspection. We would also thank parents and the wider community for the important role they continue to play in making the school the success it is today.
"The challenge now is to build on this, but as the report notes we are very well placed to go from strength to strength".mj