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P1 Miss S Guiney

Welcome to P1!

Check out our page to see the wonderful things we have been up to in primary 1.😁

End of year trip to Fortevergreen

We had so much fun 

Outdoor Play
All About Spiders 
We were learning all about spiders, as part of our topic on ‘Minibeasts’.  We researched the website and looked at non fiction books in our library.  We found out lots of information and facts.  We know they have eight legs and two fangs and baby spiders are called spiderlings.  We watched a video of a spider making its web from silk. It was amazing!  We then wrote a report on spiders as this is our writing form this term.  
Mad for Maths 😀
Loving literacy 😀

Show and Tell 

We finished our Show and Tell sessions on Friday.  Thank you to everyone who brought in their favourite items from home and told us all about them.  We really enjoyed listening to each other. 

Show and Tell with Cookie

We were delighted when Cormac brought his pet lamb Cookie in to school on Friday for show and tell.  We loved hearing all bout him and how he looks after him.  We even got to feed him!

World Book Day 

7th March 2019

We had a great time celebrating World Book Day in Primary 1.  We had lots of great characters in our class from our favourite books and we all participated in a ‘Read On’  activity in aid of the NI cancer fund for children. 

Topic - Houses and Homes

Role Play Area - The Three Bears Cottage


Tuesday 5th February 

Safer Internet Day

We celebrated this by looking at ‘A Space Race’ short film featuring animated characters Zap and Zoom.  In the film Zap and Zoom helped the young children who were playing a video game at home.  Zap and Zoom helped the children to make the right choices.  We then made posters using these characters. 

Procedural Writing 

The Three Bears’ Porridge

We decided this week to make the the three bears porridge to see what it was really tasted like.  We have been playing with the porridge oats in the role play area and were curious about how to make it and see what it tasted like.  We all took turns to help and loved the porridge especially when we added sugar and honey to it.  

Working Together
We finished our topic on people who help us by working together and completing a story map on all the people who might help you in a village.  We worked in groups and took turns to share ideas and thoughts before putting them down on paper.  We had to draw all our ideas on a huge sheet and then present our work to the class.  We talked about the police helping a man who had a car accident and the ambulance being called for.  One group talked about the sheep getting stuck in a field and the vet was on his way to help out.   
Visit from health promotion officer in surestart 
George the dinosaur had just finished his breakfast and wanted us to brush his teeth for him.  We all had a little brush and got them sparkly white for him.  We have to remember to brush our teeth every morning and every night.  We listened to a little story and enjoyed some singing. 

Number 6 fun 

Our visit from the PSNI

We had a lovely and very exciting morning on Thursday, when the PSNI officers came to our class.  They told us all about their job and described their uniform to us showing us their walkie talkies, their little torches, handcuffs, phones and lots more.  We got to wear their hats and some of us even got handcuffed!  They told us to always wear our seatbelts and to sit in the back of the car if there is room.  We are only allowed to sit in the front seat if the back is full with younger children and we’re on a booster seat.  We got to climb into the back of the van and listen to the sirens.  We had so much fun learning all about the police.  Have a look at the pictures below.   

Anti-Bullying Week

The theme the year was ‘respect’. We covered many activities to link awareness to the theme. We talked about who we should respect and how we can show respect.  We pledged to listen when the teacher is talking, hold the door open for someone else and say ‘excuse me’ when passing by another person.  The children designed wristbands with the word ‘Respect’ highlighted on them and danced to Urethra Franklin’s song r-e-s-p-e-c-t! I


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Neil the postman 
Our topic for this term is ‘People who help us’, so we asked our local postman Neil to call into class and tell us all about his job. He showed us the big bunches of keys he uses to open the post boxes, the scanning device used for barcodes, post bag and his Royal Mail uniform. The children loved trying on the sunhat, woolly hat and  gloves.  The children then had a question and answer session and Neil told us Santa’s very important address in Lapland so we can post our letters. 

Maths Week 

We had lots of fun this week playing the maths games the Primary 5 children designed and created for us.  The  Primary 5 children enjoyed explaining their games to us and we loved playing them.

Ordering numbers from 0 to 5 


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Still image for this video

Halloween Art and Craft