Welcome to the Primary 1 and Primary 2 class page!
Check out our page each week to see the wonderful things happening in our class each week!
P1/2 Story Time
This week the pupils enjoyed two stories. Snow White and the 5 dwarfs (because Sleepy slept in and Sneezy had to go to see the Doctor) And Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Our School Trip 2024
Today we went on our school trip to High Rise in Lisburn. We had the best day ever. We had great fun playing with all our friends. We loved the slide, rope bridge and lookout dome. We even got some lovely food afterwards.
Sports Day
Today we had Sports Day. We all had great fun and showed good sportsmanship throughout the day. Well done to everyone for taking part.
We have been working on capacity. We have been exploring bottles of different shapes and sizes and comparing the capacities.
Have a look at what we got up to in school this week!
We worked hard on some lovely summer art to brighten up our corridor for the last term of school. We used tissue paper to create beautiful, bright sunflowers. This took a lot of time and effort, as we had to neatly crumple the tissue paper but it helped to strengthen our fine motor skills and the beautiful display made it totally worth it.
We have been having great fun outside playing in the sun this week! 😊
We remember Mary during May
In Religion this week focused on Mary. We talked about her life and relationship with Jesus. We have been working on learning the Hail Mary too. Thank you to anyone who sent in items for our May Altar.
I like to play and learn
P1 have been working very hard to learn their high frequency words this week. They were learning about the words ‘play’ and ‘like’. We had great fun learning these words outside. First we used chalk to write the words on the ground. Then we played a movement game to help us learn to recognise the words. We listened to hear a word being called out along with an action. We had to race to find the correct word and complete the action. We were hopping, clapping, skipping and dancing.
Finding our way through the maze
We also continued working on finding all the possibilities in our problem solving tasks. We had a maze to get through and we had to find as many different ways of getting through the maze as we could. We worked with our partners for this task and showed some great team work.
A Beach for Albert
In Numeracy this week, we explored capacity. We read a story called ‘A Beach for Albert’. In this story Albert the mouse wanted to make a swimming pool so he explored using different equipment to fill up his ‘pool’. After we had finished reading, we took this experiment into the classroom. We explored using different things to fill up a pool for Albert but we also explored different containers to see which would make the best swimming pool with the most water. We labelled each container and ordered them from largest to smallest.
There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
We have been working on capacity this week. We listened to a nursery rhyme called ‘There was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe’. We explored using cubes to see how many ‘children’ we could fit in our own shoes before it was full. We have been using the terms full, nearly full, half full, nearly empty and empty to help us in our descriptions.
Exploring Weight
This week we were also learning about weight. We had 10 bottles filled with different amounts of sand. We couldn’t see how much sand was in each bottle because they were covered in black paper. We had to explore lifting the bottles and comparing the weights to try and order the bottles from lightest to heaviest. At the end, we got to turn round the bottles to reveal the numbers 1-10 to see if we were correct.
Have a look at what we got up to in play this week!
On Wednesday we had a special visit from the RNLI. They taught us how to stay safe when we are near water. They showed us their uniform and explained why each part is important. They showed us the flags they use on the beach and told us what they mean.
Music Around the World -Digital Music
We had our final digital music session with Jemma this week and it was extra fun. This week she taught us how to use the iPad to play different instruments from around the world. After that, we got to select and combine a range of different music clips to make our own songs.
Céilí Dance
This week with Alice we learnt a new dance. This was a céilí dance. We learnt the words for in, out and clap in Irish as we followed the instructions to dance to the music.
Digital Music
This week we had a special visit from a lady called Jemma. She came to our classroom to help us learn about digital music. We brought an iPad for everyone in the class to use and showed us all how to make music using an app called Garageband. This was so fun because we got to change our instruments and make lots of different sounds. She even showed us how to make the iPad play music for us.
See what we have been up to in play this week!
In Irish this week we learnt lots of different food words. We can’t wait to try and use some of these words during play in the house area and also during snack and lunch.
Beebots and direction
Last week we focused on moving the Beebot forwards and backwards on a ladder. This week we explored turning him left and right so that he could move to different shops on the Beebot mat. We used the instruction flashcards to help us plan the journey before we give instructions to the Beebot. This was helpful as if we made a mistake in our instructions, we could look back over them to see where we went wrong. We enjoyed trying to problem solve our mistakes to see if we could improve our instructions.
We have been learning about weight. First we had to predict the weight of lots of different items in the classroom. Then we used a balance scale and cubes to help us weigh them. We compared our predictions to the answers to see how accurate we were. We have also been working on comparing the weight of different items. Primary 1 were comparing two different items and Primary 2 were exploring how to use the balance scale to compare 3 items. We all loved getting involved in this very practical lesson
Clock Fun
This week we have been learning about the clock. We started by making a small and a large clock hand. We then used these clock hands play games to help us understand the clock.
First Miss Cunningham put numbers around the classroom like a clock, she then called out an o'clock time and we used the large clock hand to point to the correct number. After that we went outside. Miss Cunningham drew a large clock on the ground. We played a game where we had to shout 'What's the time Mr Wolf', Mr Wolf then told us a time and then we had to use the long and short clock hands to show the correct time on the large clock. Mr Wolf even tried to eat us a couple of times too!
Have a look at what we got up to in play this week!
Happy Valentine's Day
Have a look at the love monsters we made for our families.
Pancake Tuesday
No Pens Day
Today was 'No Pens Day'. This day was a special day because we weren't allowed to use pens or pencils in school. Instead, we had to focus on developing our talking and listening skills. We took part in 'Show and Tell' to develop these skills. We got a chance to talk about the thing we had selected and answer some questions from our peers.
Holy Cross Doctor Surgery
Today we learnt about doctors as part of our topic on People Who Help Us. We then took turns roleplaying being patients and doctors. We even pretended to write prescriptions.
Counting up to 9
In Numeracy this week primary 1 have learnt about number 9! We spent lots of time outside this week playing games to help us practise counting up to 9. In one game we had some cars with numbers on them and we had to drive them to the correct house. In another game we had to join the correct number of links to make a chain that matched the number on the doctors and nurses. We even had a game where we had to count out the correct number of buttons for each of the builders. We loved playing with the buttons.
St Brigid Crosses
Grandparents' Day
Explanation Texts
This week we continued our work on Explanation writing through linking our Literacy work to our World Around Us topic. We explored the stethoscopes. Then, when we had a good understanding of how the stethoscope works, we used an app called Chatterpix on the iPad to help us record our own explanations. This app was really fun because it allowed us to take a picture of the stethoscope and add a mouth to make it talk. When the stethoscope talked it played a recording of our explanation. We worked hard to try and include time words along with the correct topic vocabulary in our explanations.
Chrome Music Lab
This week we used the resource 'Chrome Music Lab' to explore using technology to create Music.
Click on the links below to hear some examples of the music we created.
This week Primary 1 played a game of Pelmanism to help them learn the HFW. They had to work with their partners and take turns. Well done P1
This week in Irish, Alice taught us how to say the colours in Irish. We also played a game of 'What time is it Mr Wolf' to help us learn to say the numbers in Irish.
Just2easy Messenger
This week we messaged our friends on the Chromebooks. We had great fun doing this!
Musical fun
Today we had some fun exploring instruments and making music.
We talked about sounds that were low and high, quiet and loud, fast and slow.
Money to 20p
Primary 2 have been learning about money up to 20p. We discovered that we can use our knowledge of partitioning teen numbers to help us. First we partitioned the numbers into tens and units. We then knew we had to use the 10p coin first. After that, we made up the units number using the other coins.
Look at what we have got up to in play this week!
Number 6
Today primary 1 learnt about the number 6. We built towers with 6 cubes. We drew the number 6 on clearboards. We built number 6 Numicon towers. We also rolled a dice and then counted out the correct number of animals to match the number on the dice.
Carroll Diagrams
Today we were learning about Carroll Diagrams.
We went outside and drew a large Carroll Diagram on the ground using chalk. We started with 2 sections, one labelled ‘boys’ and one labelled ‘girls’. We then sorted ourselves by walking to the correct place in the diagram. After that, we divided the diagram again so that we had 4 sections. We labelled one side ‘P1’ and the other side ‘P2’. We then learnt how to sort ourselves taking both criteria into account. We loved getting active with our Numeracy today!
Toy Friday
Today we got to take in one toy we got for Christmas to share with our friends.
Tree Diagrams
Today we used tree diagrams to sort some 3D shapes. We took turns selecting shapes and then deciding if they met the criteria or not. We sorted for cubes and not cubes. We then resorted for cylinders and not cylinders.
Numicon Addition
Today we played a game using Numicon and a spinner. We had to spin the spinner twice and then pick out the corresponding Numicon shapes. We added the shapes together and then wrote the total on our whiteboards. We worked with our partners and took turns. We worked really hard and Miss Cunningham was so proud of us!
A Magical Christmas Event
Today we had a visit from Shéa Quinn in Primary 6. He brought us a reindeer antler that he found in his garden on Christmas Morning!!! We were so excited. Shéa told us he thinks the antler belonged to Dasher!
Thank you Shéa for letting us see this special Antler.
Recounting our Christmas Holidays
Today was our first day back to school after the Christmas holidays. We were all delighted to be back. We started by telling our friends all about our Christmas holidays. We told them what we got up to, what we got to eat and what Santa brought us! We took turns going round the class and sharing our stories with lots of different people in the class. We loved getting to hear what all our friends got up to over the holidays.
Mary's Knitting
Well done to all the boys and girls for their amazing performance in the Christmas Play! They were fantastic!
We had a wee party to celebrate all their hard work! Sharon even got everyone ice pops! Thank you Sharon!
3D Shape Fun
In Numeracy this week we have been working on 3D shapes. We recapped on the 3D shape names. We learnt about cubes, cuboids, cones, cylinders, spheres and pyramids. We described them using everyday language and we also started to identify the 2D shape faces we could see. We carried out some tasks to help us learn about the 3D shapes. In the first task we had to build a house for Tommy Turtle to live in over Christmas Break when we aren’t here to look after him. We had to think about what he would need and how we could make it so he would stay warm. We used a range of different 3D shapes to do this. In the next task, we printed 3D shapes into playdough. This helped us identify the 2D shape faces for each 3D shape. We even explored making patterns with these faces. After that we played a game where we had to spin a spinner. We had to name the 3D shape that it landed on and then we had to cover up the 3D environmental shape that matched. There were tins of beans, footballs, globes, pyramids, hangers, pizza and much more. The final game was with Miss Cunningham. She had special shapes that opened up to show what 2D shapes the 3D shapes were made out of. We discussed what we could see and then we drew them on the whiteboards. This was a great fun lesson as we each took turns to move round the classroom to play the different games.
Curious Crocodile
We have also been working on measuring length this week. The Curious Crocodile came to visit our class. He told us that ever since he was a baby, he wanted to know how long he was. He asked for our help. First, we estimated how long he was. Then, we used cubes, paper clips and matchsticks to measure his length. We had to work in pairs to complete this and we all worked well, taking turns and sharing.
Christmas Baubles
This week we had to follow some instructions to make Christmas Baubles. We then sequenced the pictures and wrote the instructions to match, making sure to include bossy words and time words.
Number Fun
Primary 1 have been working on counting up to 5. They played a game on the IWB where they had to sequence the ladybirds into the correct order. Then they played a game with counting beads. Miss Cunningham gave everyone a bead string with 10 beads on it. She called out a number and then the P1 boys and girls had to show her the correct number of beads. After that, she made it even more tricky by asking the boys and girls to add on one more. Afterwards, P1 got to work in pairs to play a game with the Numicon! They loved this game! They took turns to pull out a Numicon shape and add one to it! Then they wrote down the answer on the whiteboard. They even had to check our work by placing the answer Numicon shape on top to see if it matched.
Money, Money, Money
Primary 1 and 2 have also been working on their money skills. They visited the ‘Toy Shop’ this week. P1 used 1p coins to purchase items within 5p. P2 used 1p,2p,5p and 10p coins to purchase items within 13p.
3D Shapes
This week we continued our work on 3D shapes. We took part in a carousel style lesson where we worked in groups to play different games and then we rotated around the room to play the next game. We had 4 games to help us learn about 3D shapes. In the first game, we used playdough to make different 3D shapes. In the next game, we sorted pictures of 3D shapes in real life into groups of cubes, cones, cuboids and cylinders. After that, we used 3D shapes to build. We build lots of different things from castles to shopping centres. Finally, we played a game with Miss Cunningham. In this game we had pictures of all the 3D shapes. Miss Cunningham picked a shape in her feely bag and without looking at it, she described it. We then had to figure out which shape it was and hold up the correct corresponding picture. We loved getting to play all the different games.