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P1 & P2 Mrs McComiskey

Listening Walk

In Literacy this week Primary 1 went on a listening walk. They put on their listening ears and went for a walk around the school to see what sounds they could hear in the environment. They heard birds, sheep, trees rustling, cars driving and children giggling.


In PDMU this week we talked about our names. We talked about the importance of our names and  discussed what makes each one of us special and unique. We played some games to help the boys and girls learn everyone’s names.  We then continued this lesson with some art and we used small pieces of paper to cover our names. This task was super fun and also allowed us to strengthen our fine motor skills.

Sound Revision

In Primary 2 we have been focusing on recapping on the sounds s,a,t,p, i and n. We enjoyed playing sound bingo to help us learn these sounds. We had to listen to a sound and then cover the matching letter with playdough. We also recapped on the letter formation songs and then played a game to practise writing these letters on the whiteboards. We have also been working on revising group 1 of our High Frequency Words. Now that we are in Primary 2, our focus is to recognise these words instantly without sounding them. This will help us to read more fluently and help us to understand the stories we read.

Number Revision

In Numeracy this week, Primary 2 were recapping formation of numbers to 10. We went outside to practise these skills and make the most of the sunny weather. We used chalk to write the numbers on the ground. We wrote some numbers back to front but used this as a learning opportunity and we revised writing them the correct way in different areas of the yard. We also played a range of counting games to help revise one-one correspondence and touch counting. We had great fun!

Have a look at the fun we had during play this week!

Worry Monsters

On our first week of school we can have lots of different feelings. We talked about the different feelings we might have and how all these feelings are normal. We read a story about the Worry Monster who started school and had the same feelings as us. We then got to make our own monsters to display in the classroom.

Have a look to see what we got up to on our first day of school! smiley
