Please visit our page every week to see the great learning and fun activities that we are doing throughout the school year.
I would like to say a big thank you for all your lovely cards and presents. It was very kind.
I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching P3 this year and they were a pleasure to have in my class. I wish all the girls and boys the best of luck in P4. They will be little superstars, just like they were this year ⭐️
I will miss them all so much.
Have a lovely and safe summer everyone.
Mrs Graham 😁
Class Dojo winners
A big well done to our 3 winners who earned the most Class Dojo points throughout the year.
Ellen was first with 125 points, Brea second with 122 points and Dylan third with 112 points. Well deserved! 👏👏
Our last day in Primary 3
On Thursday and Friday we had lots of fun celebrating our last few days in P3. We took part in a quiz and played lots of games.
On Friday morning we waved goodbye to the P7’s as they did a walk of honour around the school.
We then spent the rest of Friday playing games, watching a movie and we even got to have our dinner in the classroom. We ended with a party and a disco. We had the best day! 😁
Father's Day
As it's Father's Day on Sunday we got creative in Art and made ties for our dads to show how much we love them. We hope all our dads have a lovely day on Sunday.
In Literacy we looked at the terms ‘author’ and ‘illustrator’. We know that the author is the person who writes the book and the illustrator is the person who draws the pictures.
We looked at different books and were able to identify the author and illustrator.
PE - Dodgeball
This week we have been having great fun working with our STEM Lego. We all had the chance to build our own Mr Learnie, who has a spinning hat and a lever for arms. We worked on colour repeat patterns to complete the task. Lots of Maths, technology, engineering and science covered in such a fun and engaging way.😀
Friday Fun Day!!
We had a brilliant day at the Fun Day. The morning started with the Sports Day award presentation. After the presentation was over we couldn't wait to get started with all the games. We took part in lots of fun games such as musical chairs, hula hoop race, beach ball race, human letters and water activities. It was nice eating our dinner outside again this week. Fun Day was definitely the best way to end the school week!
We had great fun playing out game and learning about Time. We had to recognise all the times on the clock faces and compete against out partners to win the race .
Sports Day
On Friday we held our Sports Day and it was the best day! We really enjoyed ourselves. We took part in lots of different races.
We got biscuits and juice at snack time and then for lunch we all had chicken nuggets and chips and ice cream for dessert. We loved eating our dinner outside in the sunshine.
Well done to all the boys and girls for taking part. 👏
Multiples of 10
To help us learn about adding and subtracting multiples of 10 we played a game called 'Adding and Subtracting 10 Space Race'. We worked with a partner to see how fast we could complete the race. The first round was adding 10 and the second round was subtracting 10. It was great fun!
The Daily Mile
On Thursday we took part in the nationwide Daily Mile as part of the Daily Mile’s initiative to promote getting active and looking after your physical and mental wellbeing.
We discussed why the Daily Mile is important and how being active is beneficial to our health and wellbeing. We designed ‘back signs’ to wear as part of the event.
We’ve been bitten by the Gardening Bug 🕷 🐛 🐜
We had great fun planting herbs in the herb and vegetable garden. Among the lovely herbs planted, were chives, parsley, basil and mint. We can’t wait until they grow 😀
Thank you to Dylan and Henry for bringing in the lovely flowers for our May altar.
We took advantage of the good weather again to continue our work on Measure. As well as using the metre sticks outside, we have been working on using the rulers in class to measure in centimetres.
Here we are enjoying reading our books outside in the good weather ☀️
As we were working on number patterns and doing so well, we decided to take a wee look at times tables. The ground work was already there in the form of number patterns. What a surprise to see the children taking to it so well. Just brilliant!!😊
Lots of hard work going on this week. We are working on the 100 square and looking for number patterns. We are confident in counting in 2s, 5s and 10s so extended out work to look at number patterns when adding 3, 9 or 11.
Congratulations to all of the P3 children on making their First Confession today. They all did a super job. Thank you also to the parents for working so hard with your children and preparing them so well for this lovely sacrament.
This week we have been familiarising ourselves with the Beebots. We have been using programming language and working as a class to create little programs before testing them out on the Beebots.
Here we are working so hard with our ICT. We are all becoming so much more confident and need much less support to log in and access our work. Today we are reviewing a lot of the work we have completed in the last 2 weeks. Super work from P3!!
This week we have been working with metre sticks outside in the sunshine. We looked at items longer and shorter than a metre and we measured ares of the yard.
We have been working hard on our Spring display since we came back to school and are now able to share it with you. We decided to create a pink blossom tree and the kids were excellent at making the blossoms. We hope you like it 😊
Over the past few weeks we have been studying the art work of Kandinsky and Van Gogh. We learned a little about their lives and what made them interested in becoming artists. Looks like we have some budding artists in our classroom as well ☺️
Secret visit from the Easter Bunny
Easter Bunny Bop 😊😊
Easter Art 🐣
We made Easter cards today. The design of our cards was a chick hatching out of it's egg. We cut a foam egg in half to make it look like a shell and stuck a chick inside it so when we open it up the chick appears. We then decorated the egg with lots of colourful stickers.
In Numeracy this week we have been looking at money. We have been recognising all the coins and finding different ways to make the same amount of money.
We also played a game on the IWB where we had to go shopping in the toy shop and buy items using the correct money.
Mother's Day Art
We had great fun making our gifts to give to our mothers on Mother's Day. We worked really hard on them.
We painted jars and turned them into a vase. We decorated them with hearts, flowers and lots of jewels. We added some paper tulips to them.🌷
Christmas Jumper Day 🎄
Let's Get Active
Mrs Graham introduced us to a new PE/fitness and well-being programme called imoves. It gives us the opportunity to keep active in the classroom, especially on wet days when we can't get outside. Each week we do something different. We are really enjoying it.
Christmas Art 🎄☃️
Quarter Past
We have been learning how to read quarter past on the analogue and digital clock. We know that when the big hand is at 3 on the analogue clock it means quarter past and on a digital clock it says :15. Mrs Graham called out lots of different times and we had to make that time on our own mini clocks.
3D Shapes
This week we have been looking at 3D shapes. We carried out an activity where we had to take a shape from the shape bag and match the shape to its name.
Rounding Numbers
In mental maths this week we focused on rounding numbers. We learned a rounding rhyme to help us remember the rule:
Five to Nine - Climb the Vine!
Zero to Four - Slide to the Floor
We played a Rounding Race game where we worked with a partner to see how many numbers we could round to the nearest ten in 2 minutes. We also became human number lines. Some of us had numbers 0-100 and the rest were given a number and we had to position ourselves to the nearest 10.
Find Me, Hide Me, Show Me
We played a game of Find Me, Hide Me, Show Me to practise our phonics.
Anti-Bullying Week
We celebrated anti-bullying week by starting off the week by wearing odd socks. The theme this year was about ‘United Against Bullying’. We carried out lots of different activities to help promote anti-bullying. We talked about being a ‘bucket filler’ and after watching a power point we understood that meant filling others’ lives with kindness. We discussed ways that we do and could show kindness to all the children in our class.
Odd Socks Day 🧦
To mark the start of anti-bullying week we had Odd Socks Day on Monday.
Coin Investigation
We have continued our work on money and have been making amounts up to 50p. We carried out a coin investigation activity. We had to investigate different ways of making different amounts of money using coins.
On Friday we all took part in Wooly Hat Day to raise funds for Mourne Stimulas.
In order to reinforce our learning of subtraction Mrs Graham set up a range of subtraction activities. In the first activity we had to turn over cards laid face down and arrange the highest number first and put both numbers into a subtraction sum. In the second activity we had to roll a dice twice and put those numbers into a sum. The third activity involved playing subtraction games on IWB.
As this is Harvest Season, we were invited to colour “Butterflies of Hope”.
What's in the mystery bag?
This week in our Senses topic we looked at the sense of touch. We had a mystery parcel delivered to the class on Friday morning and inside it was lots of different objects. We had to close our eyes and put our hand in the bag and touch one of the objects. We had to describe it to the other children and guess what it was. There were things such as cotton wool, blu tack, a rubber band, a pencil, a coin, a paper clip and shapes in the bag.
Shape Detectives
As it was Maths Week Mrs Graham gave us the opportunity to become Shape Detectives. We had special 2d shape magnifying glasses. We went on a shape hunt around the school. We found lots and lots of shapes! The easiest shape to find was a rectangle and the hardest was an oval. It was great fun.
Uncle Ed
In Literacy we have continued our work on recount writing. We learnt that recount writing is always written in the past tense. Uncle Ed sent us a letter asking us to help him add ‘ed' to some words.
We were very good at helping him. Have a look at all the words we helped him with.
Tickling Our Taste Buds
This week in our World Around Us topic we have been looking at the sense of taste. We tickled our taste buds by trying different flavours of crisps. We had to identify the flavour. We also used our sense of smell to help us. Some of us found the sweet chilli flavour very spicy and we needed a drink of water after tasting it!!
This week we have been tying in our work on 2D shapes, with our work on fractions. We used our shapes and folded them to create halves and then quarters. We recorded our work as fractions and matched our shapes to their shape names.
2D shape
This week we looked at 2D shape. We played a game called "Who Has It?". We were all given a different shape in a different colour. Mrs Graham then called out a description and we had to stand up if we had that shape. We then carried out a cut and stick activity where we had to match the shape to the correct category - square, circle, rectangle or triangle.
As part of our World Around Us topic we created a display about our senses. We all had to think of words associated with each of the senses. We came up with lots of ideas.
This week we have been working hard to complete our Autumn display. We spent time completing our mindfulness colouring leaves and had fun today making our handprint hedgehogs.
The sense of sight
As part of our Senses topic this week we looked at the sense of sight. We labelled the parts of the eye and discussed what each part of the eye does.
We then watched a video on Louis Braille. We learned that he went blind at the each of five. When he became an adult he invented a system to help blind people read. This is called the Braille system.
We got the chance to spell some words using the Braille system. We spelt words such as school, hello, bye and Friday.
Playing Hit the Button to help us carry out addition sums mentally
Practical Maths
Some of us needed a little help visualising our addition work this week. We were trying to add 3 numbers together to get different totals. We used some of the boys and grouped them to help us 😊
This week in PDMU we have been talking about how special we are. We drew ourselves in our school uniforms and talked about how proud we are to be part of our lovely school. We had a chat about what makes us special as individuals- some of us are good at art or football- some of us love our pets- some of us loved our hair 😀
Enjoying the sunshine as we take part in the Daily Mile
What time is it?
This week in Numeracy we carried out some work on time. We used our clocks to show o'clock and half past. We know that when the big hand is at 12 it means o'clock and when the big hand is at 6 it means half past.
Today we got the chance to work on our computers. We had to log ourselves in and we got some time to play ICT games. Later, as a group, we learned how to log into our Google Classroom and try out some simple tasks.
We have been busy bees this week revising our phonics. We have been working hard to make lists of 2 and 3 letter words. We have been revising the alphabet and watching fun clips to help us remember our sounds.