Primary 6
Hi boys and girls,
I hope you’ve had a great weekend. Thank you to those of you who submitted work and popped some greetings on our Google classroom. It is always so lovely to hear from you.
It is getting to the stage of the year where the sunshine makes being indoors doing schoolwork much less appealing. Remember you can continue to do mental maths, English in practice and your reading.
As well as that this week’s tasks are outlined below.
Phonics this week is an end sound, which although has only two variations, means there are some quite tricky spellings and vocabulary. The end sound this week is ‘ious/ous’. It is important to take the time to carry out a word sort and become familiar with which of your words have the ious or ous ending. Some of the words, such as obnoxious, will be words you haven’t heard or used much before, so it is important to carry out your definition work on these words. I look forward to reading all your work.
Mathletics has been updated with some tasks on an individual basis. This is mostly due to different levels of completion and I have assigned tasks as revision or so you can ‘have another go’ if you have found an area more challenging.
Our new ‘Mini topic’ is ‘The Blue Planet’ which is based around ‘World Ocean Day’ celebrated today, 8th June 2020. You can research the special role of the oceans of the world or select some wildlife of interest that is found in our oceans. It may be that you wish to explore the threat to our oceans from waste, such as plastic pollution which has been very topical lately. There are lots of links to useful resources in the google classroom task.
Have a great week everyone!!
Mrs Sloan