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P6 Mrs Woods

Welcome to the Primary 6 class news page 📄 

Follow us here for updates on what we get up to throughout the school year ✏️⭐️

End of year trip to Funtasia June 2024

Farm Quality Assured Food Workshop

Thank you to Patricia from Farm Quality Assured who came to our school on Tuesday morning for a cooking demonstration.  She prepared and cooked a beautiful chilli beef pasta dish.  She discussed the importance of looking for the farm quality assured symbol when buying our meat.  She talked about the importance of protein and carbohydrates in our diet, eating fish, beef and lamb and also limiting our intake of fats, sugar and salt.  We thoroughly enjoyed the talk as well as the delicious food.  

Dream Space at W5 Life

On Monday we travelled to W5 in Belfast for an interactive STEM-based workshop with the Primary 7 class.  The children met Matty who talked us through a powerpoint explaining terms and phrases we would be using throughout the day.  We then worked in groups of 4 to complete an activity to build the tallest tower using straws, paper, sellotape and scissors in a time frame of 10 mins.  It was so fun.  There was lots of tall towers but unfortunately some of them fell over when they were left by themselves or when they were shook by the earthquake (Matty shaking the table).

We then went into another room where we worked on coding using micro-bits.  We found this really interesting and got to input our own logistics and also added music towards the end of the session.  A great day!

School Council Bun Sale

The School Council organised a bun sale on Friday 3rd May.  Primary 6 and 7 made lots of treats and we had a huge variety of baked goods.  We had chocolate brownies, caramel squares, iced cupcakes, rice Krispie buns, rocky roads, top hats, jam and cream sponge cake, fudge and lots more.  All the classes had brought in some money and tupperware to take some buns home in.  We had a super morning and raised over £240.  Thank you all so much for baking, donating and buying. 

Down Day 

Lots of schools in Co. Down dressed up in their red and black colours to show support for our county in their Ulster semi final match against Armagh.  Our school had an extra special treat when we got a visit from the Down manager Conor Laverty.  He spoke to all the children at assembly and then took time to visit each class.  We had a great discussion with him and really thank him for giving us his time.

Thank you Edel 

A huge thank you to Edel who has been coaching camogie in our school over the past few months.  Edel taught the girls lots of skills and instilled in them a love for Camogie.  We will miss you Edel.  Thank you for the lovely certificate and gift for each child.  

Easter Art

World Book Day 2024 

This year we designed and created a prop from our favourite book.  We really enjoyed listening to everyone talk about their prop, how they made it and who helped them.  Well done to everyone!

P6 Trip to Bagenal's Castle

We had lots of fun on Monday 4th March, when we went to Bagenal's Castle in Newry to take part in an 'Etching and Printing' day with Mary Murphy.  It was a great experience as we got to experience 'etching' which is the process of marking designs or pictures onto a metal plate through the corrosive or eating action of a chemical.  Our acid was a salt water solution and it is activated by a 6V battery.   

After the etching process we started to print our design.  This was definitely the trickier part.  There was lots of ink involved with rolling, scrimming, blotting and finally printing.  

It was a great day!  Thanks to the Amma centre for allowing us this experience.  

No Pens Day

We had a great day on Wednesday 14th February when we had a no pens day in school.  It was Ash Wednesday and Valentines day.  We went to Mass in the morning and then enjoyed singing with Linda.  Afterwards we played mental maths games, enjoyed a show and tell session and had a class debate.  We then finished our day with GAA fun with Benny Coulter smiley


heart Be My Valentine heart

Pancake Tuesday

We enjoyed yummy pancakes today as it was pancake Tuesday.  We had a choice of toppings including butter, sugar, syrup and lemon juice.  Thank you Tracey and Denise for the delicious pancakes smiley 

Non Fiction 

Primary 6 were studying non fiction texts.  We discussed the layout of the book, the front cover, contents page, index and glossary.  We talked about the differences between fiction and non fiction and then wrote a non fiction report on a book of our choice.  We had to choose 5 interesting facts to write about, draw a diagram from the book and give our opinion on the book with an overall star rating.

Internet Safety Day 2024

We celebrated Internet safety day on Tuesday 6th February.  We discussed ways to be safer and more responsible when we are online.  We had a great discussion about ways we use the internet, things that we do to stay safe online and then advice we would give to someone who has never use the Internet.  We then designed a poster. 

                                   ❤️ Our Amazing Grandparents ❤️

We had a lovely celebration on Friday for our Grandparents.  Our Primary five children led the mass wonderfully with lovely prayers and hymns.  Our grandparents were invited up to school and into our classrooms.  Our parents association organised tea and buns which was lovely.  We had a great day 🥰

Our Topic Trip to Titanic 🚢


Happy Halloween 👻 🎃

Maths Week

Design and create maths games for Primary 3 🧮✏️✂️

Sponsored Walk in Mourne Park
Congratulations to everyone in our school on completing the sponsored walk raising lots of money for The Mourne Community First Responders.  It was a challenge at times but we got there.  We had great fun with our class mates.  Thank you to the lovely gentleman who sponsored us on our walk.  

P6 Art 🖼 
We had a great Art lesson this week where we got to paint 🎨 

We shared paint trays with our partners and painted beautiful, bright, colourful posters.  The wall display turned out really nice 😊 
