Hi Primary 6,
I hope you are enjoying all the sunny weather… I know the farmers among you may be hoping for a little more rain by now! But make the most of it… I’m sure the rain will come.
Mathletics continues this week… please log in to see what new tasks have been assigned.
In phonics our sound is ‘n’ sound. Please submit all tasks via our google classroom. Remember you can pick which tasks to carry out; sound hunts, sentences, dictionary definitions for tricky words, mnemonics, non-sense texts. The more you use the words with the target sound the easier it is to select the correct spelling variation.
Thank you to those who shared their mini topic work on the water cycle last week. Saving water is particularly important at the moment especially with the hot weather and possible ‘hose ban’ being introduced, so hopefully your work will help you make efforts to save water at home. Our WAU ‘Mini topic’ this week is…. Ancient Greece and the Olympics! I have linked in some resources as 2Dos in Purple Mash, as well as the resources which can be found in the links via Google Classroom. Remember you can choose how you wish to present your research and work on the topic. Don’t forget to test your knowledge on the topic using the Kahoot! Quiz (using your real name). As always I look forward to seeing all your great work!
Have an excellent week... remember you can contact me via our google classroom or email csloan154@c2kni.net if you have any problems or questions. :)
Missing you all
Mrs Sloan