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Primary 7

Hi Primary 7,

It’s officially your last month of primary school, despite the strange way you are having to spend it. This is still a huge deal!!! This last month of primary school is when you have fun, look back on how much you have grown and learned over the last 7 years and begin to prepare for new adventures in your new schools.

Despite not being together in school, I would still like to make this last month a chance to reflect and prepare! For that reason, your ‘home learning’ over the next couple of weeks differs from that of P6 and rightly so…


Phonics, Mathletics, Purple Mash… all continue as normal and you are welcome to join in with these. Our mini topic is Ancient Greece and the Olympics… again you can join in with this project work, the Kahoot! Quiz and the tasks on purple Mash.


However, if we were in school, we would be starting Cycling Proficiency. You would be learning the rules of the road, bicycle maintenance and cycling safety. So, I set you the task of cycling your bike (if you have one… perhaps you have a scooter, or you can walk instead) explore the countryside with an adult or your garden. Have fun on your bike in preparation for the time when you can be out cycling with friends!


If we were in school, we would be excitedly preparing for various sporting tournaments when you would put on the Holy Cross Jerseys with pride; mostly for netball and football. So, I want you to get active, practise those skills! See can you remember the rules of netball, score from further away, how many toe-taps can you do!! Send me clips/photos of all your efforts… its sure to be great fun especially with the excellent weather!


In School we would be preparing for the move to your new school. This would have been through induction days and visits from the Education Welfare Officer who would chat about what secondary school would be like and you’d have the chance to ask questions, talk about what you’re looking forward to and share any worries. This is particularly important this week as you get confirmation of your new school. As we can’t do that, I ask that you read the booklet attached. If you have any worries or questions you’d like answered, share them. Ask your parents, older siblings or me… you can send them to me via our Google Classroom. Its nice to look ahead but change can make you nervous, so it is good to chat about these things. Please take time to reflect on this. I am here to help in any way I can.


While we get ready to say goodbye, we take time to look back on all the experiences and great memories we shared over the past 7 years. I want you to write about them… share your timeline of memories from that first day in P1 until now! What experiences stood out to you as the best! You can present this however you like; in written form, in a poem, on a timeline, a video of you talking… Whatever works best for you. I would love to use these alongside some photos to create a special ‘memory video’ for the class by the end of June.


Finally, we would be preparing for the very special leaver’s mass and end of year celebrations. One very important part of this is the preparation of a P7 song. WE WILL get our proper farewell celebration… it may be later than we hoped but I want to be ready for when we do. See can you select a song that you feel is reflective of the great 7 years you’ve had at Holy Cross… you may find a tune you like and write some lyrics to go with it or there may be a song that just ‘fits’. I want you to share these with me, whether you’re performing them, it’s the written song words you’ve composed or even the original music video… hopefully we can use these in some way when we finally get our leaver’s celebration for the class of 2020.


I know it is a very different last month to what we would normally have… but I want you to enjoy it while still being connected as your P7 class! Share anything you get up to… let’s make this the best leaver’s month of ‘home learning’ ever!!!


I hope you all have a great week!!


Mrs Sloan

