Your updated spelling lists and activities have been attached below. Try to learn them throughout the week and then have a mini test on Friday to see how many you can remember!
Supporting your child with spelling can be difficult. Here is a website that may be useful in helping you to support your child.
The lighthouse keeper
Listen to the story by clicking on the link below
Try the activities below
Remember an adjective is a describing word. Watch this video if your not sure :)
Light up your writing
Watch this video. It tells a story but there are no words in the story. You have to watch very carefully to figure out what is happening. https://youtu.be/6HfBbSUORvo
Can you write your own story to explain what happens in the video? Use the pictures to help you! You can use one of the templates below or do it on PurpleMash.
The Good Dad!
This week we are learning about words that end in the letters 'ad'. Watch this video
Can you use what you know about 'ad' to help you read the story and answer the questions!
High Frequency Words
This week our HFW sheets focus on practise the words you have learnt previously! HAVE FUN!
Keep going over the HFW from your HFW book at home too! I have also attached a blank snakes and ladders chart. You can print it out and write one HFW in each square. Then your ready to play.
If you don't have a printer you can try and play this game online https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/hfwBingo/index.html