Welcome to Primary 2!
Check out our page each week to see the wonderful things happening in our class!
Hello Primary 2,
I hope you and your family are all keeping well. As I write this I am filled with many emotions as it marks the start of a very different way of communicating with you all. I would love to keep our website as a link between home and school, so that we can keep up to date with all our friends, even if we can't visit them just yet. Over the next couple of months, I will be posting some games, websites and activities on this page for you to try at home. (You will find these below this post.) As well as this, you can send me some pictures of you working, along with a sentence or two to tell me what you are doing in the photograph. I will post these on to our class page so that your classmates can keep up to date with you and you can keep up to date with your classmates. (Send them to me at lcunningham778@c2ken.net)
Please remember to keep safe and hopefully we will be able to see each other soon.
Miss Cunningham
This is our last few days of term. It has been such a long time since I last got to see all your lovely wee faces and I miss every single one of you so much.
I miss getting to hear your stories and reading your amazing work. I miss hearing your fantastic reading and getting to learn about all the things you made during play! You have been working so hard at home during this strange time and I am so proud of you all.
It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you this year. I loved every minute of it. I hope you have a lovely summer.
Take care and stay safe.
Miss Cunningham 🙂
Monday 22nd June
I can't believe it is the 22nd of June already! It is very nearly summer time! Well done to all the boys and girls who took part in our virtual sports day! I loved getting to see all your fantastic pictures! I hope you enjoyed the day!
If you haven't seen the video click on this link and have a look! You might even see some of your friends too!
As it is nearly the end of term, this week you don't have any set Literacy, Numeracy or WAU tasks. Instead, I have uploaded some end of term/ summer activities for you. I hope you enjoy them.
Monday 15th June
Good morning primary 2. I hope you had a lovely weekend. Well done to all those boys and girls who took part in our virtual sports day! I hope you all enjoyed it. If you didn't get a chance to send the photographs in, you still can do it today! lcunningham778@c2ken.net
Well done to all the boys and girls who have been working hard on PurpleMash, SplashLearn and Nessy! Great work! You have been putting in so much effort! It puts a big smile on my face when I get to read it!
Don't forget to send me your work at lcunningham778@c2ken.net. I would love to see it!
Look out on this page or on the school Facebook page to see the new competition theme for the Road Safety Competition and for the Farm Safety Competition.
If you are looking for something interesting to do this week why not try to make this colour mixing spinner and trick your eyes into seeing different colours! Start with primary colours then try others. You could also change the design to colour different patterns.
Monday 8th June 2020
Wow the start of another week! The weather was different this weekend, a bit more cold and wet!
This week is a very exciting week because on Friday we will be having a Virtual Sports Day! I am super excited to see all your photographs. To find out more information about the Virtual Sports Day click here on the following link and scroll down to below the list of class pages.
Don't forget to print your certificate for taking part in our Virtual Sports Day!
Don't forget to email me at lcunningham778@c2ken.net and I will be able to send you a message back!
Below I have attached two important safety messages from last week. I have attached them again this week in case you didn't get a chance to see them last week.
Road Safety
During the Summer months, more and more young people will be out on the roads, walking or on their bicycles. The DFI have decided, during lockdown, to draw attention to some key safety messages via a weekly task for the month of June.
This would be a really valuable thing to get involved in as it will help your child to learn about the dangers of cycling and how to stay safe.
Last week's theme was Cycle Helmets, this week's theme is pedestrian safety!
Find out more here:
Farm Safety
The farm can be a very exciting place for children. However, it can be very dangerous. It is important for children to be aware of the dangers around the farm so that they can protect themselves. In previous years, the school has entered the farm safety competition and have had a visit from the farm safety team. However, with our current circumstances this is not possible. In light of the valuable safety messages that are delivered through this campaign, I would encourage you to take part in the poster competitions that will be carried out over the next couple of weeks.
Last week’s Poster theme is 'The Dangers of Slurry'. This week's Poster theme is 'Farm Animals'.
Your child’s drawing can be submitted by taking a photo/scanned copy and emailing to safestart@hseni.gov.uk
Include a cover note with your child’s name, school and parent/ guardian contact number.
Full details can be found on our school website https://www.holycrossps.com/farm-safety-2020/
Monday 1st June
Can you believe we are now into the month of June?! It has been so long since I have seen all your lovely wee faces and heard your great stories everyday. I miss you all so much. I hope your getting to enjoy that good weather. I have been going for lots of walks. I would absolutely love to see your work. Email me at lcunningham778@c2ken.net and I will be able to send you a message back!
As we're in the strangest of times, why not make a capsule to record what we are going through. You could add a newspaper, family picture, a letter to your future self, a handprint and a drawing. Just a few ideas, I'm sure you'll think of lots of others.
Road Safety
During the Summer months, more and more young people will be out on the roads, walking or on their bicycles. The DFI have decided, during lockdown, to draw attention to some key safety messages via a weekly task for the month of June.
This would be a really valuable thing to get involved in as it will help your child to learn about the dangers of cycling and how to stay safe. Click on the link for this week’s theme on cycle helmets.
Farm Safety
The farm can be a very exciting place for children. However, it can be very dangerous. It is important for children to be aware of the dangers around the farm so that they can protect themselves. In previous years, the school has entered the farm safety competition and have had a visit from the farm safety team. However, with our current circumstances this is not possible. In light of the valuable safety messages that are delivered through this campaign, I would encourage you to take part in the poster competitions that will be carried out over the next couple of weeks.
This week’s Poster theme is 'The Dangers of Slurry'.
Your child’s drawing can be submitted by taking a photo/scanned copy and emailing to safestart@hseni.gov.uk
Include a cover note with your child’s name, school and parent/ guardian contact number.
Full details can be found on our school website https://www.holycrossps.com/farm-safety-2020/
Wednesday 27th May
Hello Primary 2! I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed your couple of days off! It was so sunny and warm yesterday. I hope you got to have some fun playing in the sun!
Hopefully the weather will stay nice for the rest of the week! If it does, and you are out and about for walks, here is a challenge you might like to try!
Monday 18th May
Good morning boys and girls! I hope you had another lovely weekend. I can't believe it is the start of yet another new week. It has been so long since I have seen you all. I miss you all so much. Thank you to everyone who sent me an email and update last week. I really enjoyed reading them. They put a big smile on my face. If you haven't sent me and email yet and you would like to, my email address is lcunningham778@c2ken.net. I would love to hear from you.
Why don't you try this experiment this week.
Gather up some things from around your house. You can gather up your toys, apples, shoes what ever you like.
Make a spaghetti bridge. How many things can you balance on your bridge without it breaking?
Monday 11th May
Good morning Primary 2! I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunny weather! I'd love to hear what you got up to when it was so sunny and warm. You could send me an email to let me know!
I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe!
I miss you all so much. I would really love to hear from you. Why don't you send me a wee message just to say hello as it would really brighten up my day!
You can email me at lcunningham778@c2ken.net.
I have attached some new updated work below.
Below is an activity that you might like to try out this week for some fun.
This week would have been a very exciting week for all the boys and girls in P.4. They would have been making their First Holy Communion on Saturday.
I would like you to take some time to say a special prayer for the P.4. pupils during this week.
You can light a candle on the Grow in Love website and type out your special prayer.
I would love if you sent me your special prayers too and I will share them with the P.4. pupils.
You can send them to me at lcunningham778@c2ken.net.
4th May 2020
Good Morning Primary 2. It is the start of another week. This Monday would have been a very special day for the Primary 7 pupils. They would have been going to St. Colman's Chapel to make their Confirmation. This is an incredibly special sacrament and to mark the occasion for the children, we are only doing a half day of home learning today. You are all invited to join Fr Cahill at 10am this morning (Monday 4th May) as he will be celebrating mass live from St. Joseph’s Church and offering up special prayers for all the boys and girls that would have been making their confirmation. You can access the mass through the link below.
In Primary 2 we are going to acknowledge this special day for the P.7. pupils by saying our own special prayers for them.
I have added further updated work for the week below!
Monday 27th April
Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I seen some people were working very hard last week! Well done and keep up the hard work. I have attached some more Literacy, Numeracy and WAU activities below for you to try out this week.
Things have changed a lot of the past few weeks. We have been away from school, our friends and our families a long time now and you may be feeling lots of different emotions. Try the following exercise to help you talk about how you feel with people at home!!
Below I have attached some fun activities you can try at home with your family!!
Monday 20th April
Good Morning Primary 2! I hope you all had a lovely Easter and got to eat lots of delicious Chocolate!
I am missing you all so much. I especially miss getting to hear all you lovely stories and see your lovely smiley faces every morning. As I won’t get to hear about your Easter Holidays you could send me some photographs of what you were up to instead or you could even video yourself telling me about them. I will upload anything you send to me to our class page so that you find out what all your friends have been up to.
I have attached some Literacy, Numeracy and WAU activities for you to try below! Some of the activities require you to login to Purplemash. Remember I stuck your username and password to the front of the folder I sent home. I will reattach the instructions on how to access the activities below.
These are just a few suggestions, please keep working on the booklets I sent home as well.
Have fun!! 😊
Easter Activities
I have attached some Easter activities for you to have some fun with. There are some Literacy activities, Numeracy activities and some Art activities.
I hope you have lots and lots of fun!!
Today is Good Friday. Watch the following video to learn about what happened Jesus on Good Friday.
Watch the next video to learn about what happened to Jesus on Easter Sunday.
Can you figure out which order the pictures go in to explain what happened to Jesus.
Today is Holy Thursday. This is a special day because today we remember the special meal Jesus had with all of his friends before he died. This special meal is called the Last Supper. Watch this video to learn a bit more about the Last Supper https://vimeo.com/171911185.
Jesus said 'Do this in memory of me.' In what way do you and your family remember Jesus? Do you pray together, go to mass together or talk about Jesus? Say this prayer to help you remember Jesus.
Jesus you are our friend,
Help us to remember you
when we visit a church,
when we say a prayer,
when we talk about you,
when we hear stories about you.
I have attached a few sheets you might want to colour in or talk about with your family!
If you want to complete them but have no printer, I have added them as a '2do' on PurpleMash.
Hello Primary 2. I hope you are all keeping well and having some fun completing the activities I have uploaded for you!
It is getting very close to Easter and I am sure you are all so excited to get some Easter Eggs!! I know I can't wait for Easter Eggs. Although we are all very excited for Easter, we need to remember to take some time to think about Jesus and about our Lenten Promises this week. We could say this prayer to help us remember Jesus during this special week of Holy Week.
Hello Primary 2! I hope that you are all keeping well. I miss you all so much.
I can't believe it is nearly Easter. I am sure you are all excited to eat some Easter Eggs
Yesterday was Palm Sunday. On Palm Sunday Jesus went into Jerusalem, on a donkey, to celebrate the Jewish festival of Passover. Jesus chose a donkey to show that he had come in peace. Many people welcomed Jesus by shouting, waving palm branches and throwing branches down in the path of the donkey.
Palm Sunday is a very special day because it marks the start of Holy Week. Holy Week is the week before Jesus died and during this week we spend some time thinking about all the things that Jesus did before he died and remembering Jesus.
Watch this video to hear about all the things other children your age are doing to remember Jesus!
What could you do to try and remember Jesus?
On Palm Sunday you normally get a Palm Cross at mass to help us remember Jesus on Palm Sunday. This year was a wee bit different because we couldn't go to mass. Why don't you try to make your own cross using paper. you can follow the instruction on this video to help you!!
You could send me some pictures of any crosses you make and I can put them up for all your friends to see!! lcunningham778@c2kni.net
You could also try the worksheets that I have set on PurpleMash. Remember the login for PurpleMash is at the front of your folder and you can follow the instructions below to find the activity that I have set for you as a '2do'.
Today I woke up to an email from someone called Ned. He has sent everyone in the class an email too.
If an adult has some time to help you, they can follow the instructions in the document below to help you read Ned's email and reply to it!! I know he would be super excited to hear your ideas!!
Reading Bingo!!
Have a go at reading these different ways. Can you do them all?
I find high frequency words very hard to remember but I know they are so important because they help me read so I try really really really hard to learn them. I found this game that is great fun. It is called ‘The Dinosaur's Eggs’🦖🥚 and it lets you practise your High Frequency words.It is so fun it doesn't even feel like your doing work!
How to play?🤓
Choose a set of words. turn up the volume on your computer or iPad🔈, listen for the word and choose the correct egg.
The game will list any words you found tricky at the end. Try practising the words you found difficult for the rest of this week and in a few days try the game again to see can you remember any more.
💡Here are some ideas to help you practise the words you found difficult.
❤️Adults to say the word your child is learning in a sentence. Ask your child to repeat the sentence. 🗣This is very important in order to help your child understand the meaning of the word. e.g. ‘the’- I want to play with the ball.
🧡Make flashcards out of the words and use these to play snap. Be sure to say each word as the game is played.
💜Play Bingo using the words- select a group, call out the words and have your child cover that word when they hear it.
💚Have your child draw a picture beside the word to help him or her to remember the word 🎨.
💙Display these on a door or the fridge at home and say them frequently. Remove each word when your child knows it. Allow him/her to rip it up and put it in the bin. 🚮
🖤Say the words in a whispering voice🤫, a shouting voice📢, a grizzly bear voice 🐻 etc.
💛Write the words on post-it notes and stick them on the wall and see if your child can hit each word with a ball🎾, jump up to reach the words 🤚🏽or when it is dark shine a torch on the wall to find the word 🔦.
Hello Primary 2!
I miss you all that much that I thought I would read you a story today.
I picked a story called Shark in the Dark. Why don't you have a listen! I saved it as a video for you to watch below!
Afterwards you could and design your own fish using PurpleMash. I have set this as a '2do'. This means you can access it easily.
Hello boys and girls! I hope you are all keeping well!
Mr Whoop had written some sentences in his handwriting book but Mrs Whoop was messing about and mixed them all up on him. She changed some capital letters, punctuation marks and spellings.
Can you help Mr Whoop out and fix the sentences?
Good Luck!!
Good morning everyone! I hope that everyone had a lovely weekend and kept safe!
Before we got off for St. Patrick’s Day we had been learning about how important pictures are in stories.
Pictures can help us to understand who is in the story, how they are feeling, what is happening, where the story is taking place and they can even help us to figure out what new words mean!!
We became detectives and we used our inference skills to help Inference Iggy to work out what was happening in some pictures. Inference Iggy has been at home with her family this week too. They were looking at some pictures and were wondering if you would be able to help them understand the pictures more! Click on the PowerPoint below and see can you help them.
Today you can have some fun by listening to the story Spinderella. The author of this book is Julia Donaldson and the illustrator is Sebastien Braun. Can you explain to someone at home what an author and illustrator does?
Listen to the story by clicking this link https://youtu.be/Qjgp3YiaKJw.
I have created a “Kahoot!” quiz for you to play at home to show me what you remember from the story. All you have to do is click on this link to play the game
See can you beat me! Good Luck!!
Good afternoon everyone!
I was practising my phonics sounds this morning and I remember that you all love to play Buried Treasure!! So I thought I would have a wee go at playing it! I can see why you all love it! It is really good fun and the pirate dancing is so so funny!!
I thought I would post a link to the website here so you can play it at home and show everyone at home how good you are at sounding out words correctly.
Remember to click on 'Phase 3' or 'Phase 5' to get the sounds that we have learnt so far
In Phase 3 you can practise the sounds qu,ch,sh,th,ng,ai,ee,igh,oa,ar,ow and oi.
In Phase 5 you can practise ay,ou,oy,wh,a_e,i_e and o_e.
Hello everyone
I hope you are all keeping well! Mental Maths Train is one of my favourite games to play because it lets me practise my addition and subtraction skills and it even makes some fun noises! I played it every day this week so far!
Why don't you give it a go too! You could even take turns with someone at home and see who can get the most points!! It is really good fun!
I know this is a very strange time for us all. It is important that we make sure we take time for ourselves and try to relax a bit. Click on the link and take part in this yoga session as it is the perfect way to help you keep calm, focus and concentrate and it even gets some exercise in too. Send some photographs to me so they can be posted on the page so your friends can keep up with what your doing at home!
I LOVE reading books. Books are filled with wonderful, magical, exciting adventures and stories. I know that each of you in Primary 2 LOVE listening to stories because when I read stories to you in class you would all sit as quite as mice, listening to every single word. I loved to watch your faces light up with excitement. Luckily, we can continue to listen to wonderful stories at home because Audible is currently providing free audio books to all children https://stories.audible.com/start-listen. My favourite book is Winnie-the-Pooh. Why don’t you try listening to it and draw me a picture of your favourite character from the stories.
As part of our topic of Toys we have been learning about different types of puppets. We learnt that there are hand puppets, stick puppets, string puppets, finger puppets and sock puppets. We got a chance to play with some puppets and then we made our own leprechaun puppet for St. Patrick's Day.This was lots of fun!
Brea Murphy very kindly brought in lots of finger puppets for us all to see. We really enjoyed looking at the different types of finger puppets and talking about the materials they are made from.
The Case of the Missing Apples.
Today in Primary 2 we all had to become detectives.
We received a letter informing us that Farmer Brown had filled an apple cart full of apples at 1.00 pm and when he returned at 1.40 pm they were all gone. We had to read the clues and then use our inference skills to try and figure out who committed the crime. We really enjoyed this and made some amazing inferences.
St. Patrick's Day Art
Today we worked together to decorate our own shamrocks. We used tissue paper in different shades of green along with green glitter to decorate our shamrocks. We had some very creative designs.
Mr Take Away
In class this week we learnt how to subtract using a number line. We started learning about number lines by using a large number line and jumping backwards to take away. We learnt that you always have to start at the largest number and count backwards. We discovered that the number always gets smaller when you take away. We also learnt that when you take away 0 the number stays the same. We got to wear a special poster and become 'Mr Take Away'. This helped us to remember to take away in 1s.
World Book Day
Library Visit
On Thursday 5th March Primary 2 got the amazing opportunity to visit the library. First, we got on the bus to the library. We had to make sure everyone was wearing their seat belt so that they were safe. Next, we went into the library. The librarian read us two stories. The first one was Rapunzel and the second one was Hansel and Gretel. Then we got to look at the books and colour in a lovely picture. We really enjoyed our day!
The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round!
This week we were extremely luck to get a visit from a double-decker bus. We got an opportunity to get on the bus and listen to the bus driver tell us all about his amazing job. We learnt how the bus doors open, what people do if they want the bus to stop and how the bus driver gets the bus to move. We also got to a chance to go up stairs in the bus and look out the window. We were so high up we could see all around us. We really enjoyed this.
Terrific Times with Technology
This week we got a chance to use our new laptops, Chromebooks and tablets. We were all very excited and we learnt how to log on to the computers. Thank you the Digital Leaders who were a fantastic help to us all. We got to read some stories on Newsdesk and then we got to practise our maths skills using a game called Hit the Button.
Squashy Subtraction
Today in P.2. we were working on our subtraction skills. We played a game with our partner where we had to pick a subtraction sum out of a lovely colourful basket. We learnt that the large number in the subtraction sum is the number we have to take away from. So we made the large number using small balls of playdough. We then had to squash the correct number of playdough balls to take away. We had great fun!
Pancake Tuesday
Paper Free Friday
Today was Paper Free Friday. This meant that we weren't allowed to use any paper in school. The eco-council came up with this idea in order to try and help make our school more eco-friendly. In primary 2 we had to think of another way to learn without using paper. We decided to become kung fu warriors. We practised our punctuation using different kung fu actions. We read some sentences on the interactive whiteboard and we had to bow if there was a capital letter missing and do a punch if there was a full stop missing. We all got to wear headbands like kung fu warriors and we got to dance to the song 'Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting'. We had lots of fun.
Toy Play
Valentine's Day Cards
As Valentine's Day is Friday we have been working hard in class to create some lovely Valentine's Day Cards for our family members. Have a look at the pictures to see what we got up to.
Tens and Units.
This week we learnt about numbers up to 100. We discovered that the first digit tells us how many tens is in the number and the second digit tells us how many units are in the number. We used Dienes materials to help us learn build numbers using tens and units. We found using the practical materials really helpful as it helped us to understand what the tens and units are and it helped us to visualise the maths.
This week we have been practising our mental maths through using a game on the computer called Kahoot! We worked in teams and had to read the question on the Interactive Whiteboard. We were then given some time to talk to our teammates and decide on the answer. We then clicked the correct answer on our iPad or computer. The winning team was shown on the Interactive Whiteboard. We really enjoyed this.
This week we had an addition tunnel in our classroom. We had to pretend to be a number. We were then given a number to add to it. Next we hand to climb through the tunnel and carry out the addition sum in our head. When we got to the other side we had to shout out the answer as fast as we could! This was great fun!
Measuring length with cubes
In P.2. we have been learning about how you can measure the length of objects. Last week we measured the length of objects using our hands and feed. This week we discovered that when measuring how long something is it is important that the objects we use to measure length are all the same size. We realised cubes were good to measure length as they are all the same size. We then used cubes to measure lots of things around the room. We really enjoyed this!
In World Around Us we have started our topic of 'Toys'. We began by discussing what toys are and what we know about toys. We created a mind map to show all the the things we think of when we think of the word toys. Some of the words we came up with are fun, happy, learning, play, friends, Toy Story 4, games and Santa. We then were given pictures of different objects. We worked together to sort the objects out and give them to the correct Alien. We can't wait to learn some more about toys.
Non Fiction Books
This week we have been learning about Non- Fiction books. We learnt about the contents page, glossary and index. We explored lots of Non Fiction books to try and see could we spot all the different features.
We read a Non- Fiction book about cows and we used these features to help us find the answers to some questions.
This week in P.2. we learnt how to make Elf Bread. We had great fun and it was sooooo tasty! We then used our knowledge of all the features of instructions to help us write fantastic instructions to help other people make Elf Bread. We included a title, subtitles, a list of what you need, bossy words and time words too!!
3-D Shape Castles
This week we have been working very hard to learn the names for 3-D shapes. We have also been trying to use our knowledge of the 3-D shape properties to help us recognise them in the world around us. We got a letter from the shape fairy who wanted some help to build a new 3-D shape castle. We worked very hard in groups of 3. We cooperated with others, shared and took turns in order to build a successful castle. We then had Show and Tell where we got a chance to get up and tell the rest of our class about the castles we had made and their special features. We left our castles out for the fairy to try and when we came back in on Wednesday morning, they were all gone. The 3-D shape fairy was so impressed with what we had made she took them all to fairy land for her and her friends to live in. She even left us some sweets to say thank you. We really enjoyed this.
Doubles to 10+10
This week we learnt all about how to double numbers bigger than 5. We used the Rekenrek and Numicon to help us. If we want to double a number we can split it into 5 and another number, before we double it, then we can double the 5 first to make 10 and then double the smaller number and add it on. For example, 6+6 is the same as 5+5 + 1+1= 12.
Maths Kahoot
This week we played a game using a website called Kahoot! In this game we worked together to try and beat Miss Cunningham at Mental Maths! This game was really fun! The maths questions appeared on the screen and we had to pick the correct answer from the selection given! We had to try and work quickly to beat the timer! Miss Cunningham kept getting the answer wrong and Primary 2 won! We can’t wait to play this game again soon!
3D shapes
This week we started to learn about 3D shapes. We played a game using the Bee-Bot. In this game we rolled the large 3D shape dice. We then had to press the correct buttons to program the Bee-Bot to move to the correct 3D shape. We had to remember to press the clear button each time we programmed the Bee-Bot. When we forgot the Bee-Bot went the wrong way! This was really fun. We can't wait to learn more about 3D shapes next week!
Anti- Bullying Week
This week was Anti-Bullying Week and in P.2. we did lots of things to help raise awareness of the importance of being kind, both in and out of the classroom.
The theme of anti-bullying week this year is 'change starts with us'. We spent some time discussing this theme and what it means for us. We then took some time to read the signs around the school. These signs remind us how IMPORTANT it is to be kind to others and they also tell us HOW we can show kindness to others. We shared our smiles with our friends to remind them that we are there for them when they feel sad or upset. We also watched a video and learnt about different ways to show kindness to others. We finally made a poster to remind people how to show kindness to others. On odd socks day and we had lots of people wear odd socks to celebrate our uniqueness.
Water Works
In Numeracy this week we have been doing some work on Capacity. We have been working developing our ability to talk about and order three containers in relation to their capacity. We have also been working on measuring the capacity of containers using non standard units. We had a message from the three bears to tell us they had mixed up their bottles. We had to use our knowledge of how to measure capacity using nonstandard units to work out which container belonged to daddy bear, mummy bear and baby bear. We had great fun doing this and enjoyed working with the water.
Number bonds to 5.
This week we have been using the 'Whole Part Part Model'. This has help us to understand that numbers can be split into parts. It has helped us to find lots of different ways to split numbers and has helped us to learn our number bonds.
Maths Week
This week the Primary 6 pupils worked very hard and created some fantastic games for the Primary 2 pupils to play. The games allowed the Primary 2 pupils to add and subtract and have great fun. The P6 pupils came over to the P2 classroom and worked closely with the pupils to show them how to play the games and support them in playing the games. Everyone had great fun and there was even some prizes too! Primary 2 would like to say a big thank you to the P6 pupils. We had a great day!
Addition to 5
This week we have been learning about all the different ways you can make numbers to 5. We used cubes and Numicon to help us understand this. We now know that the order of the numbers doesn't matter.
This week we had Mr Donnan in our class. He came to teach us some Irish. We learnt how to say hello and goodbye and we even got to learn a song about a small yellow teddy bear. We had great fun and can't wait until he comes back next week.
Mental Health Awareness Day
For Mental Health Awareness Day, we celebrated the uniqueness of everyone in our class through making our faces using salt dough and materials from the environment. We talked about times that make us happy and we also did some yoga to help us relax.
Adding 1
We have been working hard to find out what happens to numbers when you add one to them. We discovered that when you add 1, you always get the next number! We played a game with our partner to help us practise our skills. We loved this game!
Number 12
This week we have been learning all about the number 12. On Monday we got some cake that had icng on it the same colour as the Numicon shapes. We had to put Smarties on the cake to make the number 12 using a ten Numicon and a two Numicon. We got to eat the smarties after.
Number 11
In Numeracy this week we learnt all about the number 11. We learnt that 11 is made up of a 10 and a 1. We made towers that had 11 blocks in them. We made posters for the number 11. We even got to make the number 11 using Numicon and fill each hole, in the Numicon shapes, with a skittle. We got to eat some skittles too!
We worked together to create a class pictogram of our favourite farm animals. We each got a chance to click on our favourite animal to add our choice to the pictogram. We then talked about which animal was most popular and which one was least popular. We had great fun using Purple Mash to help us create our pictogram.
Pattern Fun
We have been learning all about patterns and this week we got a chance to make our very own pattern. We used lots of different materials to make our patterns. We used counters, cubes, beads and peg boards. Have a look at our pictures to see our creations.
European Day of Languages.
For European Day of Languages we chose to learn about France. We all dressed up in blue, white and red colours, just like the French flag! We got to taste brie cheese, brioche bread, pain au chocolat, croissants and baguettes. It was scrumptious. We even learnt how to say hello and goodbye in French! We made a our very own French flag and we got to learn about the Eiffle tower too! We had a great day!
Counting On and Counting Back
In P.2. we have been working really hard on counting forwards and backwards up to 20. We had a sneaky visitor in the class this week called Puppy Pete. Puppy Pete stole some of the numbers from our number line and we had to try and put them back into the correct place.
Healthy Kids
This week we got to do a P.E. lesson with ‘Healthy Kids’. We played lots of games! They were all great fun and by the end we were really tired. This week we got to do a P.E. lesson with ‘Healthy Kids’. We played lots of games! They were all great fun and by the end we were really tired.
Farm Fun
Have a look at what we got up to during play this week. We made lots of things to do with the farm and we had great fun!
Repeating Patterns Repeating Patterns Repeating Patterns
Today we were learning about repeating patterns. We had great fun making our own repeating patterns using cubes. We even created our own repeating pattern of Matildas and Willy Wonkas.
Roald Dahl Day
September is Roald Dahl's birth month and each year we celebrate his work.
This year we dressed up as the characters from his books. We all looked brillant. We watched the BFG and then we made our BFG dream catchers.
We had a great day!
Narrative Stories
This week we have been looking at how authors write interesting story openings. We listened to different beginning to the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We talked about which one we liked the best and why we liked it. We then worked in our groups to create our own opening. We added in different characters and props to make it as exciting as possible to draw the reader in.
Back to School
We had a great first week back to school. We started our topic 'Farm'. We made some pigs, we dressed up as farmers and animals, we made farm yards out of Lego and we even made some animals using play dough! Have a look at our pictures to see how much fun we had.