Well done to all the boys and girls who were working very hard on SplashLearn last week. I have added some new activities for you to try this week! Keep up the hard work!
We use money all the time. It is very important to understand how money works.
This is a great video to help you recognise the coins
Can you put the correct number each coin?
Monster Milkshakes
The monsters have mixed up all their milkshakes! Can you help them find their milkshakes?
When you do this you will be learning about capacity too! Afterwards, play the game below or try the capacity challenge !
Fact Families
Last week we learnt a wee bit about fact families. Fact families are hard, so this week we are going to learn some more!
This is another video https://youtu.be/aK3FKEZJKec
it might help you understand them a bit more.
Write out some numbers on Post-it notes or spare paper you have at home. Move the numbers to make a sum. How many different sums can you make? I had a go too! Have a look at what I did
Play this game to keep practising your skills!
If you get on well. Try the challenge activity below!
Counting Backwards
Here is a great video! Sing this video a couple of times before you try the worksheets.