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P4 Mrs Sloan & Miss Rooney

Welcome to our Primary 4 class Page!!

We are so excited for all the fun and learning we have ahead of us this year... It is going to be a great year!!

Have a look at our class page to get a peek at what we are up to each week (the newest content will always be at the top) smiley

Our fabulous class on a beautiful, sunny September morning smiley

Our Trip to the Chocolate Factory

I think everyone would agree the highlight was our trip to the chocolate factory ‘NearyNogs’ on Wednesday. We had such a brilliant time. We learned so much about where chocolate comes from and Fair trade as well as getting to watch it being made. The best bit was probably getting to taste lots of different varieties of chocolate… we really enjoyed this!! Then our trip finished with a lovely hot chocolate! We are now full of knowledge to help us with our topic work!!😊   

Patterns in our times tables 

We also were lucky to have a visit from Mrs Norris, our numeracy coordinator, who came in to watch how we are getting on with our multiplication learning. This week we looked at how the times table facts produce patterns on our hundred square, so we made our sets of and repeated addition to find all the facts of the 2,5,10 and 3 times tables on our hundred square. We were really good at spotting the patterns!! Mrs Norris was so impressed!!   

Valentine's cards heart

Multiplication Fun!

We have been learning about multiplication. We soon discovered we are exceptionally good at the x0 and x1 times tables. We looked at how 'groups of' and 'sets of' link to addition, which then links to times tables, so we can use skills we already have to build our knowledge. We did lots of practical work before moving on to written sums. 

Award winners!!

Well done to all our award winners this week... such great work!!

Team work for shared poetry writing 

Fun measuring in metres!

Our Grandparents ROCK!!! 

We are so thankful for our grandparents. We reflected on how our grandparents rock, as part of Catholic School's Week theme 'Alive in Christ' and in preparation for our Grandparents Mass. 

Measuring fun!!


We had lots of fun in our numeracy measure’s lesson this week as we got to measure different parts of our friends body. We had lots of giggles doing this! We measured our friends smaller body parts such as their fingers, ears, nose and even our friends feet! We discussed length and width whilst measuring different body parts, and we recorded our results into our maths books. We labelled what we were measuring, which made it very clear and easy to understand. 

Using the bow in our Violin lessons


We are loving learning the violin. This week we got to use the bow! It was great fun. We learned about Rosin and the role it has in helping create a sound and how to tighten our bow. We did so well with our arm placement when using the bow for the first time!!

We can exchange!!

We moved on in our vertical written addition. We used exchange when we discovered the answer gave us too many units. We worked on this practically and got so confident we even tried to write the sums out!!


Mighty Me Activity Based Learning!

We were off to a very busy start this week and really enjoyed our Activity based learning focus on the vital organs, which finishes our topic of ‘Mighty me’. Our bodies really are mighty… we loved learning about the brain and all its parts using our brain caps and where the organs are using our anatomy apron. There was excellent research using the ipads too. All this information will be used for our Report writing.

Remembering the reason for the Season

Over the past couple of weeks we have reflected on Advent and the build up to our celebration of the birth of Jesus. We created a collaborative Christmas tree in our class and around the tree we wrote our prayers for Advent, thinking of all those for whom Christmas can be a difficult time. We also reflected on the Christmas story and wrote it in our own words in our Grow in Love books. 

Learning to add tone in our Christmas Art 

Christmas Cards

Celebrations for GAA Skills this term 

Celebrations in P4

This week we got the final 'heart' in our class treat jar, so we had treats and a movie to celebrate!! It was great fun and well-deserved for the excellent hard work and behaviour all term!!

Vertical addition (Written method)

We have been working really hard, learning the written method of vertical addition. This week, to put our skills to the test we played a game called 'adding 12'. We rolled a 2 digit number and had to add 12... our partner had to check. If we got it right we got a point! There were so many groups with joint winners, which shows just how fantastic we all are at our vertical addition!

Golden Time creations 

Christmas Jumper Day

We looked super cool on Friday in our Christmas Jumpers. Thank you for supporting the Cancer Fund for children NI.

Lego Creations 

Well done to our NESSY winners this week; Niamh and Georgia! Keep up the hard work 😊  

Phonics and ICT

In Literacy we focused on the ‘ew’ sound this week. After working with our partner to select the ‘ew’ sound words from our non-sense text, we got on to the computers and Just2esay ‘write’ to make up our very own non-sense text using our target words for the week! Mrs Sloan was so impressed by the very funny, creative stories that were typed. Our computer skills are really improving too.

It's almost CHRISTMAS.....

This week we have also been working super hard learning our songs and actions for the Christmas play, we enjoyed rehearsing with all the P1-3 bouys and girls… you are going to love it. We have started to get Christmassy in our classroom & have created a beautiful tree, through collaborative art & Tessellation

NESSY Superstar!!

3D Shape Hunt

We were continuing to learn all about the properties of 3D shapes. We searched for 3D shapes in the world around us… the easiest to find was the sphere 😊

Instructions and Working with Others 

On Thursday we worked on instructional writing. We got to sample our ‘Healthy Ice lollies’ we had made by following instructions- they were delicious. We recapped all the features we know that make a really good instruction text and used these to guide our own instructional writing. We created a ‘dancing rudolph’ and then worked with our partner to write our instructions based on what we had done. It was great fun! We then presented our texts to the class for some peer assessment.


Anti-Bullying Week

We used ICT to work on the Anti-bullying week theme of ‘RESPECT’. We created some odd socks, celebrating our uniqueness, comparing ourselves with a friend. We thought carefully about the good qualities of a friend and decided which images were showing respect and which were not. Well-done to all the boys and girls for thinking really carefully about what bullying is, how to stop it and how to show respect- we loved seeing all the colourful odd socks on Monday!!

Award winners

Gaeilge 24!


We really enjoyed Gaeilge24! On Tuesday and worked so hard to use as many daily irish phrases and words as we could! Well done to our 3 winners… who stood out for their efforts this week.


Working on Time

This week we worked on time. We were learning about time past the hour in 5 minute intervals. This week we were learning about minutes past the hour, recapping that there are 60 mins in an hour and we can tell the time more accurately by using the minute intervals. 


Creations when Working together in Golden Time :) 

Award Winners!

Well done to our NESSY, Mathletics and Star award winners this week!

All About the Comma!

In Literacy this week we were learning the ‘oo’ sound. This is a great sound because we can hear it so clearly in our words. We had lots of different ways to write the sound. We worked with Miss Rooney on the difference between fact and fiction this week. We were really good at this, after having our non-fiction guided reading focus before Halloween and were able to decide how to categorise different books. We were also working on using the comma to extend our use of punctuation. We know that a comma can be used for a list of items/actions but can also be used to signify a pause in a sentence.


Woolly Hat Day 2024

We loved wearing our Woolly Hats on Friday in aid of Mourne Stimulus, an excellent effort everyone 😊


Those of us attending Peace Prims, really enjoyed attending the workshop in Belfast on Wednesday.

Spelling Bee Champion 

Well done to Shenna who was our Spelling Bee winner in a very close contest. Congratulations to all those who made it to the knock out round and well done to everyone for taking part!



Still image for this video


In violin this week, we were learning our notes on the strings. We played along, following a beat today. It was amazing 😊


Our AMAZING Halloween costumes for some Halloween fun on our half day... Well done everyone!!!



In ICT we worked on our safeguarding and Halloween paint projects and then did some fabulous Halloween activities such as scratch art and designing our own pumpkin on the computer.


Procedure writing...making ice lollies!

On Wednesday we followed some instructions to make some healthy ice lollies. We thought of ways the instructions could be improved such as adding in detail like the amount of water needed.

Peer Assessment

We did our first session of ‘Peer assessment’ where we read our friend’s recount text and looked at the success criteria to see what they had included and what they could do to make it even better!



Well done to Georgia and Patrick this week! 

 In Literacy this week, we were introduced to our new focus text type which is the instruction text, also known as procedure. We had fun exploring what good instructions are… Mrs Sloan give us some very poor instructions to follow to create a mystery Lego shape. No one was able to match the shape. Then everyone had a turn with their partner and we are so good at giving clear, detailed instructions that everyone managed to match their partners mystery shape. 

P7 Board Games for Math's week

As it was Math’s week this week, we did more practical maths in the form of games and enjoyed some ‘Live’ mathletics challenges with our class mates. We loved having the P7s in with their fantastic game board creations on Friday… they were great fun! Well done to all those who worked so hard preparing games that P4 would enjoy!


We enjoyed having Mrs Ryan in for Irish. We were learning our phrases for how we are… our favourite being ‘I’m on the pig’s back’ 😊 We also recapped saying our ages and singing the song for travelling to school. We then learned the times on the clog. Fun fact… the word for clock and bell is the same in Irish. We recapped our body parts, following ‘Simon says’ instructions. We enjoyed practising our vocabulary by playing 'snap'

Working with numbers

In Numeracy this week, we were working on counting in groups of 2, 5 and 10. We looked at the patterns in the numbers when counting groups of 2, 5, 10 using our mathematical language of odd/even, tens and units. We then moved on to looking at counting on and back in 2,5, 10 from ANY number and how this changes the pattern. We worked on numbers up to 3 & 4 digits

Well done to Grace and Reece who were our ‘NESSY’ winners this week 😊


We were so excited for our second session of violin this week. We had a double session on Friday and learned all about beats and rhythm. We learned how to hold our violin in rest position and then how to position them for playing. We were learning the names of the strings using zoo animals to help us remember. A great double session this week 😊

Just2Easy Silhouettes

In ICT this week we had great fun learning how to import a picture into our work. We looked up images of a night sky that would fit with the theme of Halloween, then we used the paint tools to create some spooky Halloween silhouette images. We really enjoyed this activity. We are continuing to work on our logging in and self-management skills. Keep practising using your login at home!

Well done to Zoe who was inspired to create her own silhouette painting at home.... WOW!!

Well done to Emily on her recent show jumping win!! Super :)

ICT and our Safeguarding superheroes!!

In PDMU this week, we focused on people who help us and how we can help others. We discussed how we can be a good friend, thinking of how it makes us feel when others are kind to us! We also looked at the school’s safeguarding team... it is their job to keep us safe and help us if we need it. It is a great idea to talk about this with your child, so they always know who to turn to for help, no matter the problem. We then used our new skill of importing pictures in ICT to make some super cool safeguarding heroes posters of the school’s safeguarding team!!


We were learning all about TANGRAMS!

Violin Pathways Programme 

We had another first on Friday… our first whole class music session with the violins. We are so looking forward to learning a new instrument as a group this year! We learned all about beats and rhythm this week and all the different parts of the violin. We got to make some sounds by plucking and are looking forward to using the bow next week!!

A wet Monday meant no Assembly so we carried out our presentations in Class! Well done to all our Mathletics winners this week!! Keep up the hard work!

Well done to Darragh for getting star of the week for his excellent recount work last week!

Comparing and ordering numbers

In Numeracy we started the week working on our number knowledge. In our mental maths we are continuing to build our skills in reading and recognising written numbers using our ‘follow me’ warm up game. We were then working on ordering and sequencing numbers (both 2 and 3 digit numbers). We realised you must start with the highest valued digit in the number first. We had great fun playing ‘the biggest number’ before getting stuck in to our independent task. 

Literacy this week... Recounts and more!!

This week we got off to a busy start as usual with our phonics. This week our sound was ‘er’ and we learned there can be 8 ways to write the sound!! We worked really hard segmenting our words to find how the target sound is represented in each of our new words. We continued our focus on recount texts. This week we focused on how we sequence recounts and the time connectives we use (trying to use a variety of words and not just ‘then’) We worked on a story board of our weekend’s activities to help us remember when we were orally recounting to our partner. We then used this to write a recount, adding in time connectives for each new paragraph. We also worked on the comprehension skill of visualising- reflecting on how our brains create images as we read which aids our understanding. We continued our work on verbs, changing regular and irregular verbs into the past tense.

Eggy Teeth experiment

In our topic work we continued our focus on our teeth. We carried out an experiment to see how different foods affect our enamel. We did this by placing hard boiled eggs in 4 different substances and comparing the outcomes. It was very interesting… although we weren’t so keen on the smell of vinegar. We certainly learned to think carefully about what we eat and drink and to be sure to brush our teeth!!

Clock Journeys... Problem Solving

Our focus is on pattern and relationships problems. We completed a task called ‘clock journeys’ where we had to try to spot the pattern.  As we continued the pattern, using the rule, we could see some shapes emerging on the clock face. 


We had the best time during our first session of GAA coaching with Mark Poland. It was great fun and he was so impressed with the great listening skills from our class… so much so we earned another heart in our jar 😊  

Well done Darragh and Alanna for getting some work selected for our ‘Work to bee proud of’ wall.  


We learned all about symmetry and looked at 2D shapes that are symmetrical. We had great fun finishing each other’s symmetrical shapes and pictures and worked so hard to be sure both sides matched. We created some beautiful symmetrical pictures.

Recount texts

We discovered that a recount text, tells about something that has already happened (it is in the past). An easy way to spot if it is a recount is to look at the verbs and see if they are in the past tense. We also discovered that for a recount to make sense it must be in time order… see if you can remember the big term for this!! We had fun playing a tenses game, putting our verbs into the past tense to beat our opponent. We then put our new knowledge into practise writing a letter. Excellent work!! 😊

Our annual sponsored walk for MCFR

We had a fabulous morning in Mourne Park on our annual Sponsored walk in aid of MCFR. We spent time taking in all the beautiful signs of Autumn around us and thoroughly enjoyed the gorgeous sunny weather that we were blessed with for our trip!

Have a look at all our fabulous 'big' Primary 4 pupils... all in with smiling faces, ready to learn in their new classroom smiley

Lego fun in Golden Time

We loved having Linda in this week to help us prepare for our ‘Start of year’ mass. We are really looking forward to learning all our hymns in preparation for Holy communion and are off to such a great start! 😊


Having fun enjoying our Imoves 'movement' break... we are working so hard in P4 that sometimes we need to get up and get active to give our brains a break. We loved this circus yoga!

On Monday we were delighted to have Georgia show us her recent Irish dancing medals in show and tell! Well done Georgia.

World around us

We were really excited to start our new topic this week which is… ‘Superheroes, Mighty me!’ We started off by doing a topic plan of all the things we know about our bodies and how they are mighty. We then discussed some of the things we hope to find out and created a lovely title page. Our first focus is the skeleton… we even named our class skeleton ‘funny bones’. We learned lots of really interesting facts about our skeleton and its special job! We started our activity based learning with some groups building the skeleton and others measuring and comparing.

We love all God's creatures... 

Today we had a visit from an enormous spider in our classroom. Miss Collin's kindly released it back outside. Then on our way back in from our outdoor learning we discovered a beautiful, bright green caterpillar! We were amazed at how it wriggles its body along the ground. 

2D Shape hunt

We were learning all about 2D shapes and their properties today. We had great fun guessing the shape from the feely bag and then put our knowledge to the test on a shape hunt outside... we even managed to find some semi circles and an octagon!!

Mental Math

We got straight back into our mental math this week and had fun testing our number bonds knowledge in some quick fire 'Hit the button' questions!

Movement breaks with imove!

We have really enjoyed our movement breaks throughout the week... this one was a particular favourite. The growth mindset theme was 'I don't know it...YET!'

Check out all those moves smiley

ICT- Just2easy

This week we logged into our devices, independently using our new passwords and were reminded where to find Just2easy in 'My links'. We worked on a paint document, trying out some new features to make some fabulous images. 

Great work!!
