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P7 Miss Collins

Welcome to our Primary 7 class page. We hope you enjoy looking at all the fun activities we get up to throughout the week.

P7 Last Day

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Primary 7 Leavers 2024

Click on the link below to watch a special memories video looking back over their time at Holy Cross Primary Schoolheart

P7 Leavers Song June 2024

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Congratulations everyone πŸ˜€

Congratulations to ours boys who played brilliantly on Wednesday at St. Columbans  PS. You should be so proud of yourselves πŸ˜ƒ

Thankyou to Patricia who organised a Cookery workshop for our children. We learned a lot about how to eat healthier and we got a lovely little recipe book to help us cook something nice at home. Best of all, we all got to try the lovely dish that she created for us πŸ˜‹ 

End of Year trip to Funtasia June 2024

Some of the staff from St Louis came to visit and took us for a PE session. 

Congratulations to Emily - wonderful achievements at her latest Feis πŸ˜€

As part of our WAU topic (Structures),we have been trying to build our own using pasta. Our job is to make our structure a strong as possible.

This week we have been working on our Mind You, Mind Me focus - Respect. 

Congratulations to a fabulous netball team. They won all 6 of their games on Wednesday at the St. Columban’s tournament. Unfortunately they were beaten in the final when we entered extra time and went to first goal. Brilliant play all dayπŸ˜€ Huge thanks to Rachel Quinn who gives up her precious time to coach our girls - well done to you too πŸ₯³

Congratulations to Emily on her huge success at Newry Musical Feis on Sunday ☺️

We had a visit from Kevin at Farm Safety to guide us how to stay safe on the farm. We learned that we are not allowed on a tractor until we are 13 and then we can take a course to teach us how to drive a tractor safely. We also learned that we are not allowed on a quad bike until we turn 16.


Congratulations to our Mathletics certificate holders for this week πŸ˜€

Primary 7 loving their new leavers hoodies to mark their final year at Holy Cross.

Congratulations to this week’s Mathletics certificate holders. 

We had a visit from the RLNI on Wednesday morning, teaching us how to be safe in the water and at the beach. 

Welcome back to the P7 class. We hope you had a lovely Easter break.

This week we have been preparing for Confirmation. We have allocated our jobs and have been practicing our Confirmation songs. (Link on the website)

In Literacy we have been working on ‘Making Inferences’. We completed Comprehension activities to help us understand how to interpret the texts. We also worked on words with Latin origins. We found that many of the words we use are Root words which help us to create a selection of associated words.

In Art we have been working on the Ulster Farmers Union competition. We had to watch videos on farm safety and had some great discussions. We then had to create a slogan and a Logo to help sell some local produce. Some interesting ideas!

In WAU, we have been completing our Victorians topic. We completed a comprehension on Queen Victoria and looked at trades in Victorian times. We had to answer questions from a Trade list from our local area from the 1800s.

In Religion, we learned about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. We discussed the story of Pentecost and have begun work on our Confirmation display.

In Numeracy we have been introduced to Equations and we have been working hard trying to solve simple equations. We took turns on the Whiteboard experimenting with good recording to help us with each step. We found this very difficult to begin with but have been getting better and better each day. We also worked on Real Life word problems. We found again how important it was to lay out our work in a good systematic order, to help us with our thinking. Some of the problems were multi-step which required a lot of recall.

Have a look at our Tessellations😊

P7 Confirmation Song May 2024

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Here is a selection of our drawings of an 1850s labourers cottage. We have been studying how people used to live before and after the Industrial Revolution. 

Some of us still made time for our Mathletics even though we had a very busy sporting week πŸ˜‰ 

Hail Mary/ Gentle Mother

World Book Day

We had fun today sharing our homemade props from our favourite books. 

The boys attended an indoor tournament at An Riocht on Tuesday with Mr Hardy. They were successful in their game against St Columbans amd had a very enjoyable day out.

Congratulations to our Mathletics Certificate Holders this week :)

This week we have been working on our focus for the Mind You, Mind Me program. Our theme was Gratitude. We watched some funny videos showing us how to be grateful for all that we have and we played a 10 second challenge game, where we took turns to share all that we were grateful for. We completed a journal entry to help us think about how to show our gratitude.


In Literacy this week we had some fun working on Oral presentation skills. We teamed up with a partner and were given a topic to discuss and create arguments for or against. After our assigned discussion time, we presented to our peers, justifying our thoughts and opinions. Some of us needed a bit more practice in speaking out in class but in the end it was beneficial for everyone. 

Congratulations to all the hard working Primary 7s who have been very busy on Mathletics.


Debating Fun!

Well done to Jack, Raymond, Daniel and Brandon who entered the GAA quiz in Kilcoo on Tuesday.

Irish fun with Alice

This week in Literacy we have been working on words with silent letters. We completed a word sort to put the words into the correct groups, followed by a Silent Letter Word activity mat. We also spent a lot of time working on our Explanation texts. We were given topics to research and have been busy word processing our edited and completed documents. We had some very interesting topics, including How a Volcano Erupts, How to Fly a Hot air Balloon and How Cyclones work.

We also completed our Debates from last week. Great work on difficult topics, eg Artificial Intelligence and Victorian Values.

In Numeracy we began this week working on Length. We were converting between kilometres and metres using decimal numbers, converting between metres and centimetres and we were working on Imperial and Metric measurements. We took some time to work on practical measuring and found out how tall we were using Imperial measurements.

We spent some time reviewing Division. We realised the important connection between Times Tables and mental division as we completed work using the Bus Stop method.


In Grow In Love, we talked about ways we can be generous in school, at home, with our friends and in our neighbourhood and parish. We made a promise to ourselves to keep during this period of Lent. 

In WAU, we studied the Victorian classroom. We watched some very informative videos and took time to discuss what we had seen.  We then compared the Victorian classroom to the classroom we have today and realised how lucky we are in todays’ world. The children were very interested in the types of punishment given out in Victorian Times. We discussed what we liked and disliked about each type of classroom.

As part of our World Around Us topic, we have been making Victorian Valentines cards. 

Congratulations to our Mathletics Certificate holders this week πŸ˜€

The children have been really busy preparing for their Environmental Speech. They had to become ‘Energy Detectives’ and find out out about all the ways they could save energy. It was quite difficult to present to their class and speak for between 3 and 5 minutes. Well done to everyone for all the effort they put into their speech.

The children then voted for the person they thought would represent the school best going forward. Congratulations to Emily who will have her speech recorded and entered into the competition😊

Emily P7

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We had great fun creating ringtones and music sequences during ICT Time.

Congratulations to our Road Safety Quiz Team who worked so hard for their trip to Newry on Friday πŸ™‚

We have been studying the famous artist Vincent Van Gogh. We learned about his life and his struggles and looked at all his famous paintings. We then had a go at using pastels to try and create our own version of some of his classics.

We have been focusing on Catholic Schools Week this week. Each day we have watched a Power Point and discussed the topics. We created pictures of Social Media posts showing us helping others. We spent time looking at our class Bibles and searching for scriptures from the New Testament. After we had read the Gospels from Mark, Matthew, Luke and John, we shared the stories with our peers.

We made some calendars to celebrate the beginning of a brand new year.

Congratulations to this week’s Mathletics certificate holders πŸ˜€

Congratulations to Emily and Emily Rose on their great achievements at the South Belfast Open Chamionships πŸ™‚

We have been working on how we can improve our lives and the lives of those around us by being better people. We had to decide how we would act to Build the Kingdom of God.

The children worked so hard on their Biographies. Lots of research 😊

Here are our finished Diamanté poems ☺️

Congratulations to our Mathletics certificate holders from out last week 😁

Congratulations to Orlagh - our Star Award winner for this week πŸ™‚

Congratulations to Ethan and Thomas who took part in the St Louis Technology Challenge today. They had a great day out, building a vehicle out of out various art materials. The free hot dogs made them smile 😊 

Congratulations to our Mathletics certificate holders for this week. Keep up the good work πŸ˜€

Titanic Trip


Wednesday we had our trip to Titanic in Belfast. We went with the Primary 6 children. We started with a guided tour so we were all given headphones and battery monitors so we could hear what the tour guide was saying.  It was a great experience seeing all the different levels and listening to all the interesting information we were told.  We also got to go on cable cars.  It was a bit like a mini rollercoaster. We had lunch and we went across to the Nomadic Boat and then had a workshop ‘Abandon Ship’. Abandon Ship is a workshop which uses genuine life rafts and survival equipment. We worked in teams to order the survival equipment from most important to least important. We really enjoyed working in teams.  It was an amazing day! 

Gaeilge 24


Tuesday was Irish Day where we took part in “Gaeilge 24”.  We did our best to speak Irish throughout the day.  We all got lovely T-shirts to wear, wrist bands and a phrase booklet. 

Paper Aeroplanes


In Literacy we have been focusing on procedural writing.  We followed instructions on how to make a paper aeroplane.  We all got the chance to fly them after to see whose went the furthest. 

Odd Socks Day


Monday marked the beginning of anti-bullying week so we wore odd socks to school to highlight that everyone is different. 

Our Library Visit


We enjoyed our second visit to the library on Monday.  We learned about non-fiction books and the Dewy System.  We got the opportunity to carry out some activities to use the Dewy system to find some non-fiction books.

Congratulations to Emily and Daniel πŸ˜€

Congratulations to this week’s Mathletics certificate holders πŸ˜€

Congratulations Cassie πŸ˜€

Congratulations to this week’s Mathletics certificate winners πŸ˜€

Voting for positions on our School Council is now completed. We are all waiting patiently for the results 😬

We took part in the NSPCC online assembly, where we got to discuss how to keep ourselves safe. There were lots of great discussions in class and lots of input from the children. 

Congratulations to this week’s Mathletics certificate holders πŸ₯³

Congratulations to all our Mathletics certificate winners this week πŸ˜ƒ

We have been working on Recount texts. We watched a video by Michael Rosen telling us about the most important parts of Recount writing. We then worked in teams to examine different texts in order to identify distinguishing features.

Congratulations to all the children who have been working soo hard on Mathletics πŸ˜ƒ

Well done Cassie and Thomas 😁

We have been working hard on our Rainforest display and have tried to link our topics together. We are putting together a display of Rainforest themed Art and have written fantastic Acrostic Poems about the Rainforest. 

Congratulations Lola ☺️

We had a visit from Noel Lyons, the Waste Promotions Officer. He showed us how to create lovely pencil cases, using left over cereal boxes. what a great way to save on waste !

The children worked hard to produce a piece of work telling me about all their favourite things β˜•οΈ

Congratulations to Orlagh and Conor on their great Irish speaking skills 😊

We worked hard together to agree on a set of rules that we all hope to follow throughout the year, to make our classroom and the school a very harmonious place πŸ™‚

We got our birthday display up 

Here we are enjoying our Mental Maths games. The focus is on Times Tables as they are so important for so many aspects of Numeracy.

The children have grouped together for some non-fiction reading based on their topic. Lots of great discussion opportunities πŸ™‚
