By now you should have finished learning the spellings that were sent home in the homework pack as they were to take you up until Easter.
Below I have uploaded new spellings for this week. Click on your group picture to find out what your new spellings are.
Having fun in the sun
This is a picture of my dogs out in the garden having fun. They love the sun. Could you write a few sentences to
describe the picture. Use the following questions to give you some ideas.
Who is in the picture?
What do the look like?
What are they doing?
What is the weather like?
How do they feel?
You can write these sentences on paper at home or you can use Purplemash so that you can send me your work!! I would love to see it.
I have set this activity as a '2do' so you can easily complete it.
You could also take a picture of you while your doing something and use a few sentences to describe it! I would love to see it You could take a picture of your work and email it to me!! lcunningham778@c2ken.net
Julia Donaldson is an amazing author! She wrote lots of books including The Gruffalo and Room on a Broom.
In the following video Julia Donaldson reads the story A Squash and A Squeeze!
Can you answer the Kahoot questions on the story. You will be able to see how all your friends got on at the end of the quiz. You can see can you do better than them!!
Full Stops
The full stops have gone missing from these sentences and they don't make sense anymore!!!
Can you help Roy fix the sentences by clicking and dragging the full stop into the correct place in the sentence.