Welcome to our P3/P4 class page
Please visit our page every week to see the great learning and fun activities that we are doing throughout the school year.
Saturday 16th May
Dear Primary four boys and girls,
As I have written this letter to you all, I have each of your happy little faces in my mind- how I miss seeing those faces each morning, greeting me with a smile as we go to class. Today, I think of the extra sparkle those smiles should have on what would be such an exciting morning for you, the morning of your First Holy Communion.
I, like Mrs Graham and all the staff of our school, am filled with sadness and disappointment today at not being able to be with you to celebrate this very special occasion. I know you and your families are disappointed too and indeed that preparations would have been underway for this day for a long time.
The message I want to say to you today is this; your special day may not be happening today as we would like but today is still special and a day to celebrate you! I’m sure your families will want to mark this day, thanking God for the wonderful gift you are in all our lives. Perhaps, as Mrs Graham has mentioned, you will place a special object on your May altar that reminds everyone of you (maybe a photograph or a favourite item). I hope you will join your family to watch the special mass being said for you by Father Sean Cahill online this morning, where we will all be thinking of you while we pray.
While these things will not compensate for missing out on this big day with your family, friends and school, it will make today special for you until the time comes when we can properly prepare and celebrate your First Holy Communion in the way each of you deserves.
A parent shared this poem with me recently and I thought it very appropriate:
A Poem for Primary 4
It’s not the day we may have planned on this very special date,
Never did we think you’d be the class who’d have to wait.
So excited to start P4, what a big year for you all
But now because of this nasty bug, it’s not your year at all!
I wonder what you are really thinking when you say;
“It’s ok. Just keep the outfit in the wardrobe…
It’ll do another day.”
You’ll get your day little heroes, we’ll all make sure you do.
But today won’t be your Communion day and that’s ok with you.
You say you miss your friends, your teacher and your class,
We keep telling you to see it through and all this too will pass.
So, when you get to make your Holy Communion,
It will be a very special date,
Because the P4 class of 2020, were the class who had to wait!!
I have shared some messages below from our P6/7 class and a very special song, which you and the school choir had already started learning in preparation for your first Holy Communion, reminding us what this day is all about.
I do hope you share photos of anything you get up to today to mark the occasion with Mrs Graham, as we would all love to see them.
We are all thinking of you and your families and offering up special prayers, just for you!
God Bless,
Mrs Sloan and all the staff at Holy Cross PS
Hello Primary 3 and Primary 4,
I hope you and your family are safe and well. I am full of different emotions as I write this message to you all. It's so strange not being in school and not seeing you all. I miss hearing all your stories and all your chat. I miss your smiles and the energy you brought to the classroom.
Even though we are not in school and we can't visit or see each other, I would really love our class page to be a method of communication and keeping up to date with all our friends.
If you're completing the work in the Home-School pack that I sent home then that's super. If you don't feel like doing it all, then that's also fine. Instead you could maybe learn how to sew, learn how to tie shoe laces, do some baking, do some art or go out in the garden and play. Just stay safe!
Over the next few weeks, I will be posting various activities, games and websites. (These can be found after this message) I would be so happy if you could also send me some photos or a few messages telling me what you have been doing. I promise I will post them all on here so your friends can see them too. My email address is cgraham476@c2kni.net
Enjoy the activities and games but most importantly stay home and stay safe. I hope to see you all again very soon
Take care,
Mrs Graham
Hello boys and girls
I can’t believe it’s the end of term and you have finished Primary 3 and Primary 4.
I have missed you all very much these last few months.
It has been an absolute pleasure to teach you. I have loved being your teacher.
I wish you all the best for next year. Have a lovely summer and stay safe.
Mrs Graham 😀
Monday 22nd June
Good morning everyone.
I can't believe we are in the last week of school and it's almost the summer holidays! It's been 14 weeks since I last saw you and I have missed you all very much.
I want to say a big well done to you for all your hard work in completing the home learning activities in very unusual circumstances. I loved receiving all your pictures and messages.
This is the not the end of year goodbye I had planned. It should have been a week of celebration, having a party and enjoying your last week as P3 and P4 pupils. I want to say thank you to you all. It's been a pleasure teaching you and I have loved being your teacher.
Instead of the usual numeracy and literacy activities this week, I have uploaded some summer themed and end of year activities.
Have a lovely summer and take care,
Mrs Graham 😀
Monday 15th June
Good morning Primary 3 and 4. I hope you all had a lovely weekend. A big well done to all those boys and girls who took part in our virtual sports day! I hope you all enjoyed it. There is a Certificate of Participation uploaded on the class page section so don't forget to print it out and stick it on your wall. Please send any photos or videos of you taking part to Miss Cunningham at lcunningham778@c2ken.net and she will upload them. I can't wait to see them all.
There is an activity uploaded on Google Classroom for you to try. There is also a new 2Do task on Purple Mash.
As it is Father's Day on Sunday I have uploaded some activities for you in the Art folder.
Have a lovely week everyone.
Mrs Graham
Monday 8th June
Hi everyone, I hope you had a lovely weekend.
We have an exciting end to this week. On Friday we will be holding a Virtual Sports Day. To find out more information about the activities planned for Virtual Sports Day click on the following link:
Watch the videos and get practising.
Remember sports day is meant to be fun so get involved and enjoy yourselves.
I am looking forward to seeing all your photographs and videos.
As always, stay safe and healthy.
Please continue with Nessy at home.
I have set you a new task on Google Classroom related to our World Around Us topic.
Mrs Graham
Every year in school, we take part in the farm safety competition, which usually involves a visit from one of the farm safety team bringing some clear messages about farm safety to our pupils, most of whom live on or frequently visit farms.
This year the competition is taking on a somewhat different format. The letter below outlines full details.
The poster competition is open to all pupils from P1-7. They have to create a poster based on the weekly theme. It can be done on A3 or A4 plain paper and is to be submitted by sending a photo or scanned copy to safestart@hseni.gov.uk
You must include a cover note with your child's name, school and your contact number. Please retain the hard copy as they will need it in the event your child's poster is selected as a winner.
Look out for the weekly update on the theme which will be shared via our facebook page.
I strongly encourage you to explore these themes each week to help keep our children safe while in and around working farms.
Thank you
Road Safety 2020
The Department for infrastructure have made contact with all schools this week to address Road Safety, which is an area we would be focusing on in school at present. They outline that whilst there have been less traffic on our roads (especially early on in the lockdown), many more people have been out walking, running and cycling. Sadly, during this time, collisions on our roads have still been occurring with some resulting in serious injuries and fatalities. This is likely to continue as lockdown further relaxes and we enter the summer months when children and young people have more time to be out and about.
As a result of this throughout the month of June they have set a weekly task for parent/s to work alongside their child/children and focus on a road safety theme with the aim that both will learn and put into practise. This week, the theme is cycle helmets and the aim is that parents and children will check and adjust the cycle helmet to ensure it does its job in the event of a fall or collision. Too many children (and adults) are currently cycling either without a cycle helmet or with one that is not fit for purpose i.e. to protect the head. Simple adjustments could be the difference between a slight injury becoming much more serious!
Please read the document below and address Road safety with your children.
Monday 1st June
Morning boys and girls. Can you believe it is June already?! Where has that time gone? As it’s our last month of home learning I thought it would be nice to end with a fun and very creative World Around Us topic – ‘Pirates and Mermaids’. You can choose whether you want to complete the pirate or the mermaid activities or you can do both!
Here are some updated activities for the week. I have also set you some 2Do activities on Purple Mash.
Please remember to keep using Nessy at home.
NewsDesk wants you to get creative and re-create your favourite book cover. Once you have created your cover, take a picture and upload it to the Competition section of the NewsDesk for display. All details are on the Junior NewsDesk page.
Have a lovely week.
Mrs Graham
Wednesday 27th May
Morning everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the Bank Holiday weekend. It was lovely having a few extra days off. The sunny weather has come back so I'd love to hear what you have been getting up to in the beautiful weather. I love receiving emails, messages and pictures from you. I can't believe how much you have all grown since I last saw you in March.
As it's only a short week there are no spellings this week. Instead I thought you could all revise your High Frequency Words. Show your mum or dad how great you are at them by asking them to test you.
Some new activities have been uploaded for you to try over the next 3 days. Our mini World Around Us topic 'In The Garden' will continue for the rest of the week. Our new topic will start on Monday.
Keep staying safe.
Missing you all.
Mrs Graham
Monday 18th May
Good morning everyone, I can't believe we are into the middle of May already. It has been long 8 weeks since I have seen all your smiling faces and heard all your chatter. I miss you very much.
I am very proud of all the hard work you are completing at home. I love seeing it all so please keep it up! Well done to those children that have been using Google Classroom.
I received lovely photos and messages from some of the P4 children showing me how they celebrated Saturday. I will be uploading them all so if anybody else wants to send me theirs through then please do so before Wednesday.
I have uploaded some new work for this week. (Remember P4 have Monday off as a special treat). 😀
Those children who would have used Nessy in school, please remember to keep using it at home.
I have uploaded a new Google Classroom task related to our World Around Us topic. (Code to access this is rl7b6fa)
Don't forget to register for the virtual sports day and get practising.
I hope you all have a lovely week.
Mrs Graham
Monday 11th May
P4 girls and boys, this week in school would have been a very special and exciting week for us all, as Saturday would have been your First Holy Communion Day.
Our First Holy Communion Day is one of the most special occasions in our lives - when we receive Jesus in Holy Communion for the first time. Traditionally, it is a day to celebrate with our families and our school community.
I am full of sadness as I am aware of how different the celebration will be on Saturday but we can all look forward to the day when we can celebrate your First Holy Communion. Unfortunately for the time being we must wait a little bit longer until it is safe to do so.
Throughout the week there are some things that we can do to help us acknowledge what would have been a very special day.
To mark this special day all the P4 children and their families are invited to join Father Cahill at 10.00 am on Saturday morning as he celebrates Mass in a live stream (http://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/stjosephs-church-ballymartin) He will offer up the Mass to the P4 children so please tune in.
I will be thinking about each and every one of you on Saturday. Please send me a photo of how you are marking this special day at home.
Mrs Graham
Monday 11th May
Good morning P3, I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed the gorgeous sunshine.
I am sure you have read the message above which I left for the P4 children. This Saturday would have been their First Holy Communion Day. Please keep them in your thoughts and, as a lot of you are now using Google Classroom, perhaps you could leave the P4 boys and girls a little message.
Our 'Space and Solar System' topic has now finished. Thank you to everyone who sent me through photos of your Solar Systems, aliens and astronauts. They were all fab, I have uploaded a Kahoot quiz on Space and the Solar System to Google Classroom for you to play. Enjoy!
As we our all spending more time at home and playing in our gardens, I have decided that our new mini World Around Us topic should be 'In The Garden'. I hope you enjoy it.
Here are some new activities for the week. I have also set you some 2Do activities on Purple Mash.
Mrs Graham
Monday 4th May
Good morning Primary 3 and Primary 4.
Monday again but as some of you might know, this Monday would have been a very special and important Monday for the Primary 7 boys and girls. They would have been making their Confirmation today. Therefore as today is a special day we are only doing a half day of home learning. You are invited to join Father Cahill at 10.00am this morning as he celebrates Mass in a live stream. He will be offering up special prayers for all Primary 7 boys and girls. This can be found through the following link: http.//www.mcnmedia/tv/camera/st.josephs-church-ballymartin
Here are some updated activities for this week.
I have also set you a World Around Us activity on Purple Mash. It has been set as a 2Do task. When you open Purple Mash, you will see a purple bell which means you have an alert. Click on it and a page will open with a 'Go to it' button on it. Hit this button and it will take you to the activity I would like you to complete.
Those of of you who were using Nessy in school, please don’t forget to keep using it at home.
I hope you all saw Maggie’s lovely message below which she left for you on Friday.
Miss you all,
Mrs Graham
Hi boys and girls, Maggie here.
I hope you are all well. It's so lovely to see all your lovely photos. You are all keeping busy. I'm doing the same as you - baking, gardening and reading.
I miss you all and Mrs Graham so much and I am looking forward to us all being together again.
I saw a lovely activity that you might like to do. It's 'send a hug to someone you miss'. All you have to do is get someone to draw round your arms, then cut them out, colour them in and write a message. You then fold it and put it in an envelope and post it. I am sure your grandparents or someone else you really miss would love it.
Take care of yourselves and your families.
Please keep sending photos. They make me happy.
Monday 27th April
Good morning everyone.
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Thank you for all the messages and pictures that I have received so far. Please keep sending them in.
I have set some numeracy, literacy and World Around Us work for this week. I have also uploaded the spellings for this week.
As we can't complete our new World Around Us topic for this term, I thought it would be a good idea to look at a range of smaller topics. Our first mini topic is 'Space and the Solar System'. I have set you a Google Classroom task as an introduction to our new topic. You can access Google Classroom through MySchool and then using the code rl7b6fa. I have added some NewsDesk articles to the World Around Us folder for you to have a look at.
As Friday is the 1st of May, I have uploaded some pictures of Our Lady (Mary, the mother of Jesus) for you to print and colour; or you can draw your own picture of Mary. If we were in school we would be creating a beautiful May altar in our classroom to honour Mary. Maybe you create one at home and add your pictures to it.
Stay safe.
Mrs Graham
Monday 20th April
Good morning everyone.
I hope you all enjoyed your Easter and got to eat lots of yummy Easter eggs. It was really nice to get chatting to the P4 children on Zoom which Myleene's mummy kindly organised.
I am missing you all very much. I miss your stories, your jokes, your chatter and all the games we used to play.
I have attached some Literacy and Numeracy activities for you to try. Remember that you can still complete your English in Practice and Mental Maths work.
As our Birds, Bugs and Beasts topic has now finished I have uploaded some Kahoot challenges for you to have a go at. Have fun! We will start a new mini World Around Us topic next week.
The most important thing however is that you are happy, healthy and safe.
Mrs Graham
Hello everyone, it’s Maggie. Just sending you a wee message to let you know how lovely it is to see your messages and pictures on the class page. It is great to see you are all keeping busy. I can’t wait until we are back. Maybe we can have a wee treat day with all the lovely baking you have been doing. I have been very busy too, out in the garden. I planted some potatoes, carrots, onions and lettuce. I have noticed all the wee mini beasts in the garden. There has also been lots of lambs born on the Murphy farm. We even had one ewe with four lambs. (The photo of them has been put with all your photos and messages). Keep up the good work and keep sending the pictures. I miss you. Stay safe. Maggie
Monday 6th April
Hi boys and girls, thank you very much for the all lovely photos and messages I have received so far. 😁 It's really nice seeing what you all have been getting up to. Please keep sending them.
Yesterday was Palm Sunday which marked the start of Holy Week. Holy Week is the week before Jesus died. During the week we can spend some time with our families thinking about all the things Jesus did before he died. We can celebrate the Death and Resurrection of Jesus with our family.
I hope you all have a lovely Easter and get lots of Easter eggs. 😁
I have provided you with some Holy Week activities and some Easter arts and crafts activities.
I miss you all.
Stay safe.
Mrs Graham
Monday 30th March
Daily 10 Challenge
Good afternoon everyone. I hope you are well and keeping safe. I miss you all.
I was practising my mental maths skills this morning. I played a few of our favourite games - Hit the Button, Are You A Math Magician, Funky Mummy and Daily 10.
Click on the link below and complete some mental maths challenges.
We’re Going On A Bear 🐻 Hunt
This morning as I sat in the back garden enjoying the sunshine, I decided to read one of my favourite books, ‘We’re Going On A Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. The author also performs this story. Watch the video below.
Monday 23rd March
Hi P3 and P4, I know some of you were very keen to use Google Classroom so here's a little activity for you.
Using the code rl7b6fa, log on to Google Classroom and please complete the small task I have set you. Don't worry if you are not able to.
I look forward to reading your replies. 😁
I know how super you all are with mental maths and how much you love playing mental maths games so here is a website that has lots of fun games and activities for you play -
We can keep up with our PE and stay fit and healthy even though we are not in school.
Tune into Joe Wicks every morning (Monday to Friday) at 9.00 am on YouTube.
Type 'PE with Joe' into YouTube and get active for 30 minutes! I hope you have fun.
Our School Trip
On Friday P3 and P4 enjoyed a visit to the Kilbroney Centre in Rostrevor as an introduction to our new WAU topic 'Birds, Bugs and Beasts'. We spent the day in the outdoors doing lots of interesting and fun things. We got the chance to identify bird calls, go on a mini-beast safari to see how many creatures we could find, go on a nature work which involved an activity called “Who Killed Mr Robin?” and lots of other fun games and stories. We even got to go on the swings and the boys were very happy that they got the chance to play a bit of football. It was a great day!
Weather Reporters
As our WAU topic ‘Whatever the Weather’ is coming to an end we all got the opportunity to become weather reporters.
World Book Day
On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as characters from our favourite books. We took part in a sponsored Read On. We also made bookmarks, completed wordsearches and talked about our favourite characters.
First Confessions
P3 made their First Confessions on Wednesday evening. It was a really beautiful service. A big well done to all the children for all the lovely singing and excellent readings and prayers. Congratulations everyone!
We looked at weight this week in Numeracy. We used various items such as scissors, a glue stick, a shoe and a water bottle. We had to estimate and then check how many cubes the items weighed.
Pancake Tuesday
This week we looked at coding. We used Scottie Go which involved programming an alien and helping him find his way home. We also enjoyed playing Lightbot. This involved giving commands to help light up all the blue tiles.
We all got the opportunity to use our own chromebook or tablet. We created our log in accounts and experimented with them so we knew how to use them. We then all played a game of Kahoot.
Stop the Clock
We were learning how to read and relate analogue and digital time. We played a game called ‘Stop the Clock’.
Valentine's Art
For Valentine's Day we made love stones and cards.
Money, Money, Money
We carried out some more work on money. We recapped on the different types of coins you can get. On the Interactive White Board we played a game where we had to find the correct coins to pay for items such as a teddy bear, a cart or a ball.
Mrs Graham then gave each table a different amount of money and we had to find the correct coins to make that amount. We realised there were different ways of making the same amount of money.
P3's investigation of Odd and Even Numbers
P3 revised their odd and even numbers this week. Everyone started by playing 'Hit the Coconut' on the Interactive White Board. We then had to carry out an investigation to find whether a number was odd or even. We learned that if you add two odd numbers together you always end up with an even number as the answer. If you add an odd and an even number together the answer will always be an odd number.
Grandparent's Day
On Friday we celebrated Grandparent's Day. Everyone really enjoyed talking about their grandparents, how much they love them and the kind things they do for us all. We created a Grandparent's display for them all to see.
Counting in 5 / Five Times Tables
P3 were very busy this week with counting forwards and backwards in 5's. We used numicon and multi-link to help us make sets of 5. We can count up to 100 and back from 100 in 5's. We have become so good at doing it. Mrs Graham says we are all super!
P4 started looking at the 5 times table. In pairs everyone had to answer multiplication sentences, make sets of 5 using multi-link and then finish with a game of Hit the Button.
We carried out some work on area. We were given a range of shapes and we had to count to find the area. We know that different shapes can have the same area. We also used unifix cubes to make shapes with different areas. Some of us made houses, a dog, a tunnel, a cross or a snake.
We learned what the word ‘summarising’ means. We read the story “The Enormous Turnip and in groups we had to identify the information that was important and display it in a spider diagram. We then had to summarise the story in our own words. We had a word limit of 45 words. It was quite tricky to stay within the word limit!
Explanation Texts
We have been very busy this week looking at explanation writing. P3’s looked at the lifecycle of a butterfly and had to sequence and explain how a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. P4 looked at and explained how honey is made.
Toy Friday
Friday was ‘Toy Friday’. We got the opportunity to bring in one our toys that we got from Santa. We held a “Show and Tell” session so that everyone else got to see and hear about our toys. At Golden Time we got the chance to play with all the toys. It was a fun Friday in school.
Fractions Fun
We looked at what a half of something is. We worked with a partner to cut out 2d shapes and fold them in half to make two equal halves.
Marshmallow Snowmen
We made marshmallow snowmen as part of our Christmas activities. We used cooking chocolate to stick the marshmallows together. A large chocolate button and a rolo was used for this hat and strawberry laces was used as the scarf. They were very yummy!
Go raibh maith agat Mr Donnan
We had our last Irish lesson with Mr Donnan on Wednesday. We have really enjoyed our 8 weeks of Irish lessons. We have learned how to count to 50, the names of colours and how to tell the time. We also learned how to sing Jingle Bells in Irish. Go raibh maith agat Mr Donnan.
Christmas Jumper Day
Everyone had a great day wearing their Christmas jumpers to school on Friday in aid of Save the Children. It is definitely starting to feel like Christmas now!
Christmas Art
This week in school we have been doing some Christmas art. We used paper plates to make Christmas trees. We painted them green and used glitter pipe cleaners, confetti, pom poms and coloured hearts to decorate the trees.
Measuring Fun
We looked at length this week in Numeracy. P3 used cubes, their feet, paper clips and lolly pop sticks to help them measure different items such as a glue stick, a ruler, the table. P4 used a ruler and a metre stick to help them measure the whiteboard, a window, a laptop, etc.
Santa Letters
On Tuesday we got to write a letter to Santa telling him how hard we all are working in P3 and P4. We really hope he reads them all and we get a reply from him.
Procedural Writing
This week in Literacy we continued to develop our understanding of Procedural Texts. Mrs Graham made a jam sandwich and we all had to watch her very carefully because we were going to sequence the instructions ourselves. Once we had sequenced the instructions we then got to make our own jam sandwich. They were very yummy!
Gone Fishing
This week in Numeracy we focused a little more on 3D shape. We played a game called “Go Fishing” where we used a fishing rod to catch a clue. We then had to read the clue out to the other children and they had to guess what the shape was and mark it off on our bingo boards. The first group to get all shapes covered had to shout "Bingo!". It was a fun way of learning about how many faces, edges and corners the different 3D shapes have.
Instructional Writing
This week we have doing some more work on Instructional Texts. We all know that instructions must be set out clearly and in the correct order so that they are easy to understand.
We watched a video on how to make a cup of tea. Mrs Graham jumbled up all the instructions for how to make it and we had to arrange them in the correct order.
Our Library Visit
We had our last trip to Kilkeel library on Thursday. During the visit we got the opportunity to use the computers to research information about our favourite authors. We also completed wordsearches. We really enjoyed all three visits to the library and we would like to thank all the staff for the fun and interesting activities they had organised for us.
Anti - Bullying Week
This week was Anti-Bullying Week. We talked about how bullying can happen in different ways such as physical, verbal or online; and how bullying affects people. We also talked about how everyone is different, yet we are all still unique and special. Our differences must be respected. Some children wore odd socks to school to mark the occasion.
Instructional Writing
This week we have been looking at instructions and discussing why it is important to always give clear instructions. Mrs Graham called out instructions for how to draw a flower. We had to listen very carefully and follow the instructions in the correct order.
P3 also sequenced how to wash their hands while P4 wrote instructions for how to play a game.
We have been looking at bossy verbs to help us with our instructional writing.
Our Trip to the Library
On Thursday we had our second trip to Kilkeel Library. We focused on non-fiction books. In groups we had to work together and use the Dewey System to help us find the books which the librarian asked us for. We then got to browse the books and take some to read at home.
Woolly Hat Day
We all enjoyed wearing our woolly hats to school on Friday to help raise funds for Mourne Stimulus.
Halloween Fun Day
Everyone had a 'spooktacular' day dressing up for the Halloween Fayre. Look how amazing all the costumes were! We really enjoyed playing all the fun Halloween games and activities, dancing at the disco and of course eating all the yummy treats. Well done to Olivia Trainor in P3 and Harry O'Hare in P4 who were the winners of the Halloween art competition. Happy Halloween everyone from P3 and P4.
Halloween Art
In Art we have been making Halloween crafts. We painted paper plates to make them look like the moon. We then stuck on witches and bats silhouettes onto them. We also made monsters from stones. We painted them and added googly eyes, scars and teeth. We created Frankenstein, vampires, skeletons and ghosts. We all had a 'spooktacular' time making them! 👻😃
2D Shapes
We used various materials such as cubes, paper, crayons and rubbers to make the outline of squares, circles, rectangles, triangles, hexagons and pentagons. The names of the shapes were all mixed up and we had to sort them out and match the correct name to the correct shape.
Maths Week
As part of Maths Week we have been doing lots of fun Numeracy activities. We played games such as Hit the Button and Are You A Math Magician?
The P7 children worked very hard to design Maths games for our class to play. They came in, explained the instructions to us and then we got to play them. Some of us even won prizes. It was great fun!
Adventure Story Writing
In Literacy we have been writing our own adventure stories. We planned them first with the help of a spider diagram and a story plan template. It helped us set out our characters, choose a hero and a villain and decide on our setting.
Dictionary Work
In Literacy we have also been looking at how to use a dictionary. We know that a dictionary is ordered alphabetically and this helped us in our word search. Working with a partner we had to find words and write the definition of them.
What’s in the Box?
In our Senses topic we focused on the sense of touch. We labelled the parts of the hand.
We also got to carry out a mystery box experiment. Using only our sense of touch we had to guess the hidden objects in the box. There were items such as bubble wrap, blu tac, cotton wool and pasta. We closed our eyes and put our hand inside the box and described the object to everyone in the class. Some of us were afraid to put our hands in because we didn't know what was inside the box!
World Mental Health Day
On Thursday everyone had a great day wearing purple and celebrating World Mental Health Day. We talked about the different emotions we all experience. We listened to music and discussed what emotion it reflected. We also did some ‘mindfulness colouring’, ‘I am Special’ activities and finished the day with a little bit of dancing.
2D Shape Art
In Art this week we made robots, vehicles, people, animals and houses out of 2D shapes. We cut round circles, semi-circles, squares, rectangles and triangles to make our pictures.
Matching Pairs
In Numeracy we looked at digital and analogue times. Each child was given a mixture of digitial and analogue times and had to find the person who had the matching card.
World Poetry Day
To celebrate World Poetry Day, we chose to learn and perform a poem entitled ‘A Place’ by Sara Fox. We decided to add actions to it. We chose the actions ourselves. Mrs Graham was so proud of us. We had great fun rehearsing it and then performing it for the rest of the school and the teachers.
Our Visit to the Library
On Thursday all the boys and girls visited Kilkeel Library. We got the opportunity to have a look around the library and see all the books for children and for adults. We also did some fun activities like arranging ourselves in alphabetical order. We even got to borrow some books and take them home to read. The librarian gave us stickers.
Ciao from P3 and P4
All the children had a great day celebrating European Languages Day. As Italy was our country we had so much fun dressing up as pizza makers, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italian footballers.
We made pizzas from paper plates. We painted them red for the tomato sauce and brown for the crust. Our toppings were made from card, paper and tissue paper. We used shredded yellow crepe paper as the cheese.
We linked in some Numeracy with our Art by using circles to make the pepperoni, triangles to make the ham, squares to make the chicken and rectangles to make the peppers. Some children decided to be really different and put some strange toppings like noodles and skittles on as their toppings.
We researched some facts about Italy and looked at some famous Italian people and landmarks.
We would like to say a big thank you to Orlagh Morgan who very kindly came into our class and taught us some Italian. We can say "Ciao" (Hello) "Buona Giornata" (Good Day), "Buona Notte" (Good Night) and "Arrivederci" (Goodbye).
We finished the day off with a Italian party. We had breadsticks, lemonade, sweets and crisps.
A fun day was had by all.
Tickling our Taste Buds
This week in our Senses topic we focused on the sense of taste. We talked about how our tongue and our taste buds help us taste food. Some foods might taste salty, sour, sweet or bitter.
We carried out a taste test with crisps. There were four different flavours - Cheese and Onion, Ready Salted, Salt and Vinegar and Smokey Bacon. Everyone had to try and guess which flavour was which. The Salt and Vinegar and Smokey Bacon flavours were the easiest to guess. It was a great afternoon in school.
Eyes, Eyes and More Eyes!!
In WAU we learned about and labelled the different parts of the eye. We could all identify the eye ball, the eye lid, the eye lashes, the iris and the pupil. We also completed a bar graph to see what was the most popular eye colour in our class – it was blue!!
Carrying our 'Tens'
The P4 were introduced to carrying the ten when completing tens and units addition. We carried out lots of practical activities first before we started to write them as a sum.
Tens and Units
In Numeracy P3 have been adding/subtracting mentally within 20 from any number.
We have also been using unifix to help us make numbers. We know that the 'T' stands for tens and the 'U' stands for units.
Celebrating Roald Dahl day
We all had a great day celebrating Roald Dahl day. We did lots of fun activities. Doesn't everyone look amazing in their costumes?
What time is it?
This week in Numeracy the boys and girls were doing some work on time. We used our clocks to show o'clock, half past and quarter past. We played target time.